Untitled Part 11

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          Butterflies, that was what it felt like.  A million little butterflies dancing around in my stomach as I watched Cameron move closer to me. My eyes were glued on his, and his on mine. Was he going to kiss me? Was I going to let him kiss me? All these thoughts going through my mind, but at the same time I knew I was a broken person. I was broken beyond repair and he deserved someone who wasn't so damaged. I turned my head toward the slider door int he kitchen that led outside.

          "You said I could ask you anything in return for my story," I say looking back at him. His eyes were still on mine as he nodded a little.

          "That was the deal wasn't it," he said amused a little. I nod and look back at the slider and close my eyes. 

          "Why?" I whisper. 

          "Why what?" he asked sounding a little confused. I didn't look at him, I kept my eyes closed and took another breath.

          "Why didn't you accept the bets on me? Why did you not just go along with them like all the other girls?" I whisper again not trusting my voice. I waited for a reply, but after a few minutes of silence I opened my eyes. I was face to face with his perfect blue ones looking back at me. He was a good foot and a half taller than me, but those blue eyes were still something from down here. I never really looked closely at Cameron, but his facial features were perfect in every way imaginable. His cheek bones were what every human dreams about, his eyes were glowing orbs that brought life to his face. His lips were perfect and looked so soft, kissable. "His hair was messy, but not in a bad way; more like in the it falls perfectly every time way. He was a very toned guy, all his muscles were well defined, arms, stomach, everything about his body was a masterpiece in itself. 

          "I told you already, you've got something no one else in this town has," he says bringing my mind back to reality and looking back into his eyes. His eyes were moving, like he was searching my face for something but couldn't find it. I frown a little at the comment, because he wasn't making any sense.

          "I'm broken Cameron," I whisper holding back tears. He turns his head slightly to the side at my comment with a frown. "Why would you possibly say that about someone with such a broken background. A girl who doesn't have a whole family, or a girl with a fucked up past relationship.... Why would you even consider saying that about someone like me?" I say so fast that I was out of breath. He hasn't spoken, just looking over my face still. "Someone like you doesn't hang out or even think about a girl like me. Girls like Jessica maybe, or Amelia and Beth because they are sexy and hot and perfect. Those are the girls you want to be seen with, not this," I say motioning to myself. I didn't notice that we had been moving in the kitchen until my back hit the fridge. Cameron was in front of me, with a mix of emotions on his face. 

          "Allison are you serious right now?" he says in a slightly angry tone. I close my eyes to avoid eye contact, but I could feel his body getting closer to mine, just from the heat radiating off his body. "Just because you have a messed up past doesn't mean you are any less of a choice to someone.... And who is anyone to say who myself or any of the boys for that matter should be seen with?" he says making me open my eyes. Tears roll down my cheek as I look up at him. We were inches from our chests touching, and my heart was racing yet again. He slowly brings his hands up and holds my face, using his thumbs to wipe my tears. "You want to know what makes you so different?" he asked me. I nod and he smiles a little, "because of the way you don't try to be like anyone else. You don't try to fit in, you aren't fake. Amelia and Beth, they are a joke. You don't have to wear make-up everyday like them, because you are already naturally beautiful. You can sit here and deny it but everyone in that school can see it. I spent four years of high school listening to every guy in that damn school talk about you and how much they wanted you. But you always turn people down, and that's what I like about you, because you know what you want. I like the fact you didn't fall for any of the boys tricks all throughout high school, and how you hold your own with people," he says making me look over his face for any sight of lying. "The way you do everything with so much passion, it made me watch you over the years because something about you was so different and I wanted to figure it out," he says.

          "How do I know you aren't just saying all this to win a bet? How do I know that you aren't going to turn your back on me like everyone else in my life?" I whisper. He just looks at me for a second. 

          "Because if you were just another bet, I would be done already... I wouldn't hang around like I am.... Why don't you see it Allison, I am not going to hurt you. I couldn't dream of hurting something so fragile as you. Something so pure and precious, you're a once in a lifetime kind of girl," he says making my heart stop.

          "How?" I say not believing him, because why should I believe him? What makes him so different?   

          "Because even after all the shit you've been through, you still always see the good in people. That is something truly special," he says. "Like Nathan, the boys and me, you allowed us into your life despite all the stuff you've heard about us or seen from us. You gave us a chance even though you shouldn't have," he says making me smile a little.

          "You guys aren't as bad as everyone says," I tease making him laugh a little. I didn't realize that our bodies were now touching until now. Our chests breathing in sync with each other.

          "There's a lot you don't know about us," he says leaning his head down closer to mine. I looked into his blue eyes again and something sparked in mine, because for the first time in forever I actually wanted this. I was sure of myself this time, I wanted something with this boy. I wanted to do something daring and different, and Cameron was just the right boy to bring that. Before I realized what my body was doing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He didn't react right away, but after a few seconds his arms came around me and he kissed me back with just as much passion. My stomach erupted in fireworks and my mind was spinning. I never felt this before, not even with Ben.

          "Damn," Nate said from the kitchen entry way making us pull apart. I hide my face in Cameron's chest as he laughs, the vibration in his chest made me smile. "I was gone for ten minutes and this happens?" he says walking  over by us. I pull away from Cameron and he looks at me with a smile. 

          "I didn't see that coming, not from you," Cameron says making my face heat up.

          "Aw she is turning red," Nate teases making me punch him in the arm, which I am sure hurt me more than it hurt him. He pretended to be hurt, holding onto his arm and looking at me shocked. 

          "You have a violent woman Cameron," he jokes making us all laugh. "Wait, is it official?" he adds on making Cameron look at me with a questioning look on his face.......

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