Untitled Part 10

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          I needed a change for once, maybe it would be good for me. Maybe, just maybe it will help me move on and be truly happy for once in the last two years. Then it also crossed my mind, last time I let someone in all that came from it is pain and hurt, lies and games. I don't know if I could put myself through that kind of heartache again. But I know, I know for a fact that Cameron had a different side of him, a side that he never let anyone see. I wanted to see that side of him and the other boys, I wanted to see the soft side of the town bad boys.

          "We should wake them up and get home," Cameron says snapping me out of my trance. We were still standing there, looking at the stars. "I don't want your parents mad at us for keeping you ladies out so late," He says making me frown a little.

          "Trust me, they won't care," I whisper holding my necklace again.

          "Can I ask you something?" he says making me look at him, he was already looking at me. "And in return you can ask me anything you want," he adds on. I wait a second and just look at his face. It was dark but I could make it out, and he had another serious look. I slowly nod looking back at the night sky. There was a long pause of silence before he spoke. "Why did you freak out when you felt your necklace gone the night after everything happened?" he says making my heart stop. I was holding onto it right now, and I closed my eyes. "You don't have to tell me, but I know it means something to you. The way you are always playing with it and just looking off into the distance like you are in a different world," he says making me let out a breath.

          "They are dog tags," I say slowly taking the necklace off and holding it out to him. He slowly takes the two tags and examines them. "One is my dads," I say as my voice cracks. I let a few tears fall, because I haven't ever talked about this with anyone besides Jessica. Cameron looks at me with pain in his eyes as he examines both tags again. "He left three years ago overseas and within a year, he was in charge of leading his convoy across enemy lines," I begin. I had to pause again as I remember my mother telling me this all to well the night I found out. "The convoy ahead of them was supposed to have cleared all the roads, but they missed a spot..." I pause again. "No one in my dads convoy survived that night," I say letting a few more tears fall.

          "I am so sorry," he whispers back to me. I look at him with a small smile.

          "The other one, it's my older brothers... After we got the news about my dad, he completely blocked everyone out. My mom couldn't even have a full conversation with him without one of them arguing or crying," I say taking the tags back and looking at it. "Three months after getting the news of my dads death, he joined the same squad my dad was a part of. He got shipped out two months after signing up and we haven't heard from him. The only time was when he sent me that tag," I say putting it back around my neck. "We don't know if he is alive or not....But I do know that he wasn't here when I needed him, he wasn't here when he should've been," i say getting angry. "My mom checked out as soon as he left. It was like I didn't even have a mother anymore," I add on. Cameron was just looking at me, with a worried look on his face. "She does doctors without boarders, she is always gone. I am on my own. You wanna know why I get so mad when people at school keep telling me I have everything, or I have the best life. It's because they don't know shit about me, they don't know the pain I have been through or the shit that has happened to me not even involving my family," I say starting to go into a panic attack. 

          "Allison... take a breath," Cameron says moving closer to me. I shake my head and step back.

          "You guys don't know half of the things that I have seen. You don't know any of the thoughts that go through my mind every hour of the day," I cry out. I watch him step toward me again and without thinking I step back again. My mistake, because I forgot we were standing at the edge of the cliff. I let out a small scream as I felt my foot go off. I closed my eyes as I began to fall, only I never did. I opened my eyes and Cameron was hugging me.

          "I'm sorry," He whispers as I just hug him and cry. I just told him my life story, I told him all the things he could use against me just like anyone else in his position would.

          "What did you do to her?" Jessica's voice suddenly booms through the air. I feel myself being pulled away from him and Jessica wrapped her arms around me. "I will fucking murder you Cameron, I ain't even playing!" she says in a pissed off tone. She was always angry when she woke up, but I am sure seeing me crying wasn't helping.

          "Yeah what the hell Cam," Nate says standing next to Jessica and me.

          "He didn't do anything but help.... It's alright," I finally say as I calm down and pull away from Jessica. I walk over to Cameron and he just watches my every move. I get up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for listening," I say as he smiles a little. After we clean up all our stuff and put the fire out, we slowly make out way back to the car in the dark. Jessica was terrified of the dark and was clinging to Nate's arm for dear life. All we had was out phone lights to guide us, but the boys seemed to know their way pretty well. I was walking next to Cameron when I heard a noise and quickly spun around and seen nothing but darkness. I heard it again and out of instinct I grabbed onto Cameron's arm and he looked at me as I looked around.

          "It's probably just an animal," He says reassuring me with a smile. I nod but still hand onto his arm, which I don't think he minded to much to be completely honest. Once we reached the car Jessica plopped herself down in the back seat as the boys loaded everything up. I slide in and she laid down with her head on my lap. I let out a sigh as we began our drive back home. The trees became lights and houses. We were back in the town and the stars disappeared behind the bright city lights.

          "She is out like a light," I tell Nate as we pull up to my driveway. He laughs as he gets out of the car and opens her door.

          "Jess, wake up," he says shaking her a little. She rolls a little but doesn't wake. "She is one of those sleepers, huh?" he says making me nod with an amused look. He carefully pulls her to the door opening and picks her up. Careful not to hit her head on anything he gets her out of the car and throws her over his shoulder.

          "Dude, be careful with her," Cameron says opening my door as I get out. We all walk into the house and I turn on the lights. I point up the stairs to Jessica's usual guest bedroom here. We watch him carry her up the stairs and disappear. I turn back to Cameron who was just looking around.

          "I cleaned up since the last time events brought you here," I say making him look at me with a frown. "I don't have company often so I have to get used to this," I say making him smile slightly. 

          "Don't you ever get lonely here?" he questioned looking around. I knew what he was thinking, a girl all alone in a house this size was crazy. I shrug and he follows me to the kitchen.

          "Yeah, but I never invite anyone over because I don't like to explain the story to them. I don't want people to know things about me because all they will do is hurt me with it," I say grabbing a bottle of water for him and one for me. He sets it down and just looks at me again.

          "I can promise you, I would never use that against you," He says making me smile a little.

          "I know...." I say as he leans closer to me. My heart was in over drive and my mind was going crazy........

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