Untitled Part 14

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          In situations like this, I can't help but feel like your basic horror movie. You know the ones where the two girls always find themselves being in worse situations than they were before. That was Jessica and I as we cornered ourselves in this stupid dead end alley. I should've looked all the way down before taking this way, but my drunk self didn't process it until it was to late. I was holding Jessica up who was trying to fight but couldn't even hold herself up, as I was trying to find any way out of here.

          "It was really rude interrupting our dance," the guy who was trying to dance with Jessica says. I look at him and then his friend trying to memorize their faces. "A man can't dance with a few girls?" he adds on making Jessica fake laugh. If there was ever a time I prayed for her to keep silent, it was now; but I also knew that she wasn't the type to take any shit, drunk or not.

          "A man can't take the hint that we have boyfriends and don't wanna dance with a couple of man whores," she says before I could cover her mouth. The two boys let out chuckles as they step closer.

          "You're digging yourselves a pretty little hole, I wouldn't talk shit if I were you," the other man says with a smirk on his face. The lighting was bad, but I could still make out a few things on the boys.

          "I like holes, so I can bury your dead asses in them!" Jessica shouts at them making me mentally slap myself. That one seemed to have taken the boys back a little, making them stop moving for a second.

          "That didn't even make sense," one of the boys says. Okay, maybe Jessica was on to something. I looked around looking for an escape as Jessica kept the boys busy.

         "You're face doesn't make sense, but then again it looks like someone beat the shit out of you and it got stuck that way," she says making the other boy laugh at his friend. I block out the rest of the conversation as my eyes search for anything at all that will get us out of here. I see a small opening in the fence, just big enough that us girls could squeeze through. Looking back, I see that they boys were far enough away that we could do it and have time to run. I quickly pull Jessica and In a second we both squeeze through before the boys even realize what had happened.

          "Run!" I shout to Jessica who was ahead of me. The boys were slowly getting through the gap as we took off running. I was at least ten feet behind Jessica, because I let her go through the fence before me. We had been running for a few minutes when we got back into the main street of downtown. I looked back and didn't see anyone behind us, so I stopped to catch my breath. Jessica was still running, and I was about to go catch up with her when I was tackled from the side. The impact caused us both to roll into the alley next to us, scraping my arms and legs. I pushed myself to my feet and before I could take a step I was pulled back to the ground and a body was on top of me. Flashbacks of Ben played in my head and my body went into panic mood. I started shaking and crying, making the boy stop for a second and look confused. I heard Jessica shouting and then the weight of the boys body was lifted off of me.

          "Cool down man, I didn't do anything drastic," the boy says before I hear a body being slammed into the brick wall.

          "Look at her, does that blood look like nothing?" a very angry Cameron says. I didn't look, I was still in panic mood. I hear more footsteps and I quickly open my eyes and see Nate walk up holding the other guy by the shirt, followed by Jessica who looked a little scraped up as well. 

          "We were just trying to have some fun, you boys know how it is," one says making Nate slam him to the wall now looking just as pissed as Cameron, but not quite.

          "I see you near her again Adam and I swear to god I will rip you apart," Cameron says through his teeth. He looks at the other kid, "Same for you Cody," he says before giving the Adam kid one more punch. Nate doesn't do the same, he just shoves the kid back into the wall and backs up. The two run outta the alley as everyone looks around. Cameron comes to me and I quickly cling to him. Jessica was hugging Nate as she looked at me.

          "Allison are you alr---" she was cut off by Cameron's angry voice.

          "What were you thinking coming to the city of all places. You know how dangerous it is," he says making Nate step in.

          "Cameron calm down," he says making Cameron tense up and look at him. "They came for a fun night, it's no ones fault that this happened," he adds in making me shake my head.

          "Can we go home," I say making Cameron relax and wrap his arm back around me. We slowly make our way to his car. Nate went back for our car as I sat in the front seat of Cameron's car and Jessica took the back. It was a silent ride, and my mind was a million places. I was still shaking because my panic attack, but I was trying to relax. Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep. 

          "I can't believe you let this happen still," I hear Cameron says as I feel myself being carried.

          "I didn't think It would, I just wanted to go out and get her out of this damn house for once," Jessica says as a door was closed somewhere. 

          "Can we not do this tonight, we need to get you two cleaned up," Nate's voice enters the conversation. I feel something soft hit my body and the warmth of Cameron was gone.

          "The city of all places," he adds on making Nate let out a sigh.

          "Sorry that I wanted her to get out of the house and let loose for once in two years!" Jessica shouts making everyone go silent. "I was just sick of seeing my best friend so depressed for so long, and she has finally been getting better so I thought the night would be fine. I didn't know those boys would be there or any of this would happen, sorry that I can't always make good choices," she says getting upset.

          "Come on babe, let's just get you clean--" Nate was cut off.

          "You don't know half the shit she has been through and don't even try to tell me you do. One night, I just thought for one night she could forget all the shit in her head," she says. I knew she was in tears now, but I stayed with my eyes closed.

          "You don't think I know that? I want to know her past, but I am not going to force her to talk about it. I want to see her happy just as much as you," Cameron says in a calm voice. It was silent for awhile before someone spoke.

          "You're the best thing that has happened to her since everything happened. Something in her has changed since you guys came along, and it scares her because she has it in her head that every time something good happens, something bad always leaves her broken," Jessica whispers. I feel my heartache at her words, because she knew me all to well.

          "No one is going to hurt her, Cameron called the bet off on her. Right Cam?" Nate says. It was silent for a second.

          "Of course I called the bet off, I love Allison," he says making my heart race. The room was silent after that. It sounded like Jessica and Nate went to the bathroom. I stayed with my eyes closed until I fell back asleep......

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