Untitled Part 9

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          The rest of the day went by in a flash, and I was shocked to find out that Jessica and Nate were now a thing. An official thing, which is unheard of for Nathan of all people. Of course, I was still convinced that these boys were in it for something still, but seeing Jessica happy for the time being was all that I cared about. I have to admit, being around Nate more often now, I am beginning to see that he isn't as bad as the act he puts up at school. Not that I am going to lower my guard around him or Cameron for that matter. Oh, speaking of Cameron, I was currently getting ready to go with him for the day.

          "Hold still," Jessica says to me in an annoyed tone. Mainly because this was the millionth time she has had to tell me to hold still while she did my make-up. She was looking beautiful as always, because we were going on a double date apparently. It was close to summer, so the boys wanted to take us somewhere that was outdoors.

          "I don't think all this is important Jess," I say making her freeze and look at me. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under because she was staring daggers at me.

          "Shut up," she says as she finishes up. I smile at my reflection, but then it disappears as I look at the bruises that were still visible on my arms and legs. 

          "Can't I wear my hoodie and long pants?" I complain. She had made me wear some super cute shorts an off the shoulder grey shirt that looked adorable, for someone who didn't have the damage I had. "Look at me," I tell her.

          "Don't you dare cry!" she shouts making me freeze. "If you ruin that work I did I will personally kill you," she jokes making me laugh a little. She grabs the make-up and applies some to my shoulder where the bruises are showing. Like magic, they disappear and I smile and hug her. 

          "Thank you," I whisper as the doorbell rings. I take a deep breath as we walk downstairs. Jessica opens the door and Nate and Cameron greet us.

          "You ladies ready?" Nate says kissing Jessica on the cheek. We nod and soon we are all in the car and driving to who knows where.

          "So where are we going?" Jessica asked making the boys laugh a little.

          "It's a surprise," Cameron says looking back at me slightly with a smile. I was looking out the window, holding onto my necklace watching trees pass by, they seemed to be getting thicker and thicker as we existed the city and went deeper into the woods. I have never been out here but once, it was two years ago when I was last out here. 

          "If you're trying to kill us, I will fucking mess your pretty faces up before you get the chance," Jessica threatens crossing her arms making the boys laugh.

          "Why are you always so violent?" Nate says as he pulls to the side of the road. "If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already," he says as the boys both get out. Jessica and I follow as we stand on the side of the road.

          "It's peaceful out here," I say as Cameron stands by my side.

          "Come on,"  he says taking my hand and him and I lead the way. He pulls me along through the forest floor, helping me over fallen trees and stopping to see the flowers and other amazing things nature has to offer. Jessica and Nate were trailing behind us talking about who knows what. I was just taking in all the silence that came with this beautiful place. "You like it out here?" Cameron asked as he steps over a fallen tree, then stops and helps me over it. I liked this side of him, the side that people at school didn't get to see often.

          "Yeah, it's nice. It's almost calming," I say making him smile. I stop when we reach an opening. 

          "Holy shit!" Jessica says beside me as we step into the opening. I look, we were on the top of the mountain that over looked the States largest lake. It was absolutely breathtaking. The clearing we were standing on was nice green grass, with flowers all around it, and a drop off going down to the lake. It was the perfect balance of warm and cold up here, and if you looked off in the distance, you could see our town and it looked so small from up here.

          "This is beautiful," I whisper.

          "It is, isn't it," Cameron says beside me making me jump a little. I didn't realize he was standing next to me again. I smile and look back out on the lake, the sun was setting and the color of the sky was amazing.

          "Fire?" Nate says as we look back  to where he was now sitting on the ground next to a fire. I smile as Jessica quickly sits beside him and smiles. Cameron is next to sit down, I was still looking at the sunset as its colors danced across the calm water of the lake. A smile came to my face as I took a deep breath of the fresh air before taking a seat between Cameron and Nate. 

          "How did you guys find this place?" Jessica asked as she looked around from her spot on the ground.

          "Cameron and I came across it years ago when we were messing around out here. It's the hang out for all us boys when we need to get away," Nathan says making us look at it.

          "What would you boys possibly need to get away from?" Jessica teases making him get all serious. 

          "We told you, we all come with baggage," Cameron says. 

          After awhile it became dark, but we were still out here. Jessica and Nate were passed out on the ground sleeping, Cameron seemed to be asleep now as well. I took the time to stand by the ledge of the cliff and look out at the stars in the sky. It was nicer out here, no city lights to block the view of the millions of stars that filled the night sky. A cold breeze filled the air, making my cheeks a slight pink color. I haven't had this much peace in two years, and something was unsettling about it.

          "I'm glad you like it out here," Cameron's voice says next to me making me jump a little. I look at him, he was looking up at the stars as well. I smile at him and look back at the night sky.

          "Thank you for taking us here, it's truly amazing," I say making him look at me. I keep my eyes on the sky though, taking in every inch of it's beauty.

          "You trust me, right?" Cameron says making me focus my attention on him know. I could see the seriousness in his face. I let out a breath, the air being cold enough so that it was seen in the air.

          "I'm not sure yet...My heart is telling me to trust you, but my mind is hooked on the fact that I know what you've done, what you do," I whisper making a frown settle on his face. "I also know that you have a good heart, that you don't let people see," I say making him look away from me. "Why do you put up an act?" I questioned him making him fake laugh for a second.

          "You wouldn't understand my life Allison," he says leaning his head back and looking at the sky and letting out a breath. "Some people just can't be fixed and it's better to leave them that way," he adds on looking at me. I was trying to figure him out; I wanted to figure him out. For the first time in my life, I wanted to take a chance.

          "I don't want to just be another bet," I say as we both look at each other. "I'm so tired of being hurt by people, I can't handle it anymore," I say with tears building up in my eyes. He slowly reaches out and touches my cheek.

          "I would never in a million years even dream of hurting you... I told you, I had the chance several times to accept bets on you, and I turned them down because you have something special that no one else in that town has," He says making my heart rate increase with every word.

          "Then yes....I trust you," I say making him smile a little. We both look at the stars again, they seemed brighter than ever now. Maybe taking a chance was just what I needed to move on.......

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