Untitled Part 7

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          I couldn't push him off of me, he was suffocating my body. I wanted to scream out for help but his hand covered my mouth with one hand as his other hand roamed my body. I tried kicking but it was no use, he was already getting what he wanted. The pain that shot through my body was unbelievable and I wanted nothing more than to die right then and there and make it all stop.

          "Allison," I hear someone say. I let out a scream and quickly sit up in the bed. My breathing was hard and my heart was racing. I looked around with tears streaming down my face. "It was just a dream," Cameron says next to me. He pulls me into a hug and I break down and cling to him again.

          "I can't do this," I whisper as the memories of earlier rush my mind. He holds me tight and kisses the top of my head making me calm down a little.

          "He's not going to hurt you while I am here.. I won't let him," he tells me making me pull back and look at him. It was dark so I could only see the outline of his body, but I could tell he had that sad look on his face. 

          "How do you know?" I say as he brings a hand up and wipes away my tears.

          "Because if I ever see him around you again, I will fucking kill him," he says making me relax a little. I lay back down and catch my breath before he lays back down next to me and I once again find myself moving against his body without knowing it. I listen to his heartbeat and it slowly makes me drift off to sleep again.

          The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, and I have to admit it made me a little sad seeing Cameron not there. I looked around my now dimly lite room thanks to the sun outside. There was still things knocked over, shattered glass and blood. I looked at the floor where the events took place and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. I carefully got up, sore from everything and walk out into the hall. My house was big, but I could hear talking downstairs in the kitchen. I slowly made my way down the two flights of stairs, which took me a good ten minutes to accomplish. I walked down the hall and stopped to listen.

          "What's the background with them? How did all this even happen?" I hear Nathan ask making me lean on the wall and close my eyes.

          "Ben was a good guy when we first started high school, you know your typical sweet, smooth talking guy that every girl wanted," Jessica said. She was right, when I first met Ben he was so sweet and caring. He was the type of guy you took home right away to meet your parents, which I did of course and they loved him right away. But things changed in the following years.

          "Yeah he really looked like a good guy," Cameron said in a nasty tone. His voice made my heart skip a beat, something I never felt before.

          "He changed, after they had been dating for two years he started acting weird. I told her that something was off with him but she refused to see it," she says. I hated her for telling the story, I wanted to tell it but she knew I could never finish the story. "He started getting into drugs and other things and she would tell me that he would start yelling at her and getting to rough with his grabbing. I told her to just break it off with him, and she told me she did. Or she tried too and he wasn't having it... Soon he just moved away and we thought he was gone and she would be fine, but he's back for some reason," she says making me feel dizzy. I hand onto the wall for support as I listen on some more.

          "Who the fuck does that to a girl though, a defenseless girl," Nathan says in an angry tone. "I mean, getting a little rough is a big no no, but what that fucker did to her.... He's dead if we ever catch him in town again," he adds on making Jessica laugh a little. 

          "Why do you guys care? You're just here because you want to win the bet with both of us," she says in a kind of harsh tone.

          "Actually, I wasn't bet to get with you," Nathan says. "I wanted to see what all the talk was about you, and now I know," he says with a hint of amusement. 

          "I'll believe it when I see it buddy," Jessica says. "And what about you Cameron? Trying to win this bet with Allison?" she says more like a question. There was a long pause before he finally spoke.

          "It was a bet.... But this is different," he begins.

           "What do you mean?" Jessica says waiting to hear what else he has to say.

          "I never accepted bets on her, because there have been a ton suggested to get with her because I mean, who wouldn't want to be with here?" he says making my heart bat faster. I don't know what he was talking about, I was a nobody and not even half as pretty as the other girls in school. "When I first accepted the bet it was so that Trevor wouldn't, because I knew he would break her heart... I actually really like Allison, but she just sees me as this heart breaker because maybe that is all I am... You guys don't know our background story, you don't know what our lives are like," he says.

          "So breaking girls hearts is how you deal with things?" Jessica says.

          "It's not like that... At least not for Allison... I truly do like her, but I am no good for her.... She has this amazing life with money, friends, good grades, volleyball captain... I just don't want to see her become a bet," Cameron says. 

          "Trust me her life is far from perfect. You only believe what you hear from kids around the school, nobody knows who Allison really is or her life besides me," Jessica says. "You want to know her, maybe try actually talking to her instead of getting information from second hand sources," she adds on. After that I decided to walk into the kitchen. As soon as they seen me walk in they all looked at me. Jessica looked sad, maybe because my whole body was covered in bruises and cuts. Nathan looked pissed off, and Cameron had an expression I couldn't read again. I shot them a small smile and sat down at the bar next to Nathan. Jessica was sitting on the counter on the other side of him and Cameron was standing on the other side across from me.

          "Hey kid, you look like hell," Nathan jokes making Jessica slap him on the back of the head.

          "It's okay Jess," I say with a small laugh. "I feel like hell," I say closing my eyes and leaning my head back. I go to grab my necklace and panic sets in when Its not around my neck. I quickly look down and sure enough it's gone.

          "Here... I found it on the bathroom floor, I cleaned it off," Jessica says holding the chain with the tags in her hand. I quickly take it and hold it to my chest and close my eyes, why was this happening to me? 

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