Chapter 37

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Taylor's POV

Jace pulled up outside a house that was probably bigger than ours. He cut the engine and we got out, and he came round to my side and took my hand in his, interlacing our fingers.


"yes." I nodded. He walked in through the front door, and I was quite surprised that I didn't see people everywhere. I could hear the tv playing from what I was guessing was the living room, and I could smell something really good coming from the kitchen.

Jace took me to the kitchen first. There was a young looking woman stood in front of the stove, stirring something. She turned around when we came in, and practically ran towards us.

"oh, it's so good to meet you." she got me in a tight hug and released me after a couple of minutes. It was quite obvious that everyone Jace knew was a hugger.

"oh, I'm sorry." she said pulling back. "I'm Jace's mom, Linda. And from what I've heard about you you're Taylor."

"yes, it's nice to meet you Linda."

" oh, don't just stand there and act all formal. Come in, I'm making spaghetti, with my own special sauce."

I sat down on one of the stools, and Jace's mom started asking me questions about where I was from, why I left Spain and she basically asked for my whole life story.

"mom, can't you just leave her alone. She didn't come for you to criticize her."

"oh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it's just that Jace doesn't bring home many girls, and the ones that he does bring home, well they're horrible." hearing her say that was actually kinda painful. Yeah, I knew that Jace was a player, but it still hurt.

I kept Linda busy while she was making her dinner, and it was really easy to talk to her when she wasn't acting like a cop.

When dinner was done, I tried helping to set everything out, but Linda made me sit down while she did it all. She called for Jace and his dad to come eat too. Jace looked exactly like his dad, except you could tell the age difference. And I was shocked when he pulled me in for a hug too.

Even though there were only three of us, it was a nice dinner. Halfway through, people started to come in, children and adults. I asked Jace who that were and he told me that they were part of the pack, and that his mom cooks for most of them since some of them stayed in the pack house, which was also his house.

When everyone had finished eating, I helped Jace's mom clean up, and I also got Jace to help a little. When that was done, Jace dragged me away from his mom and up to his room.

His room was like any other boys room. The bed was undone, there was clothes scattered everywhere and he had up posters of bands and even one of his gang.

"you're upset about what my mom said aren't you?" Jace asked. He was leaning on his bedroom door with his arms crossed. I stood in the middle of his room and crossed my own arms.

"why would I be?" I shot back.

"I know you Taylor. You may not show it but I could tell by the way you just went silent that you're upset."

"how'd you know? I could just gone silent cause I was nervous." It was a stupid excuse and I knew Jace would know too. Jace pushed himself off the door and walked up to me.

"you're not one to get nervous." his voice was husky and it sent tingles down my spine.

"how'd you know. It has been a long time since I actually had a mother figure in my life. And to have your mother care for me like that without actually knowing me... The only reason my friends parents trust me is because they know Rosie."

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