Chapter 23

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Jace's POV

On the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. It was so careless of me to lose control like that, especially around Taylor. With her stubbornness, I could have done anything to her. I know Taylor was shocked when I kissed her, but she didn't push me away, she kissed me back. Just the thought of that was enough for me to get all excited.

We pulled up outside the house and Taylor went in first. I could see her visibly stiffen, so I decided to check what it was. I was hit by the smell of alcohol and cigarettes when I went in.

"what's wrong?" I asked Taylor after I bumped into her back. She didn't answer, but was focused intently on the man that came out from the kitchen. He was in his late-thirties and had very short blonde hair. I could feel Taylor shaking infront of me, so I placed one of my hands on her back which seemed to calm her a bit.

"hello Taylor" the man said to her, smirking. How the hell did Taylor know this guy?

"hello father" she spat out as if it were venom.

"long time no see, eh Taylor? Well I can't exactly say I missed you over the past six years that I've not seen you"

"trust me the feelings mutual." I kept quiet, not knowing what to say. I knew there was some family fued there, just by the way they were talking to each other.

"what the hell are you doing here?" Taylor asked him, every inch of her speech was covered in venom.

"what is it so wrong for me to stop by and visit my children? I also wanted to announce you to my new wife" Taylor scoffed and shook her head at him.

"you got a new wife? Are you sure you won't do the same thing to her that you did with mom?" her dads eyes narrowed, and you could tell he was mad.

"me and your mom were having problems and I settled them."

"yeah you settled them by making sure we never see her again" ok now I was curious as to what happened to her mom. I knew it was something terrible, because her and Aiden never talked about her.

"I won't take this crap from a little girl, so I suggest you get the hell upstairs NOW!" he yelled at her, and I could see her flinch, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs with me. I took her into her bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"Jace you have to call Aiden" I turned round to see Taylor sat on the bed with her head in her hands. I wasn't gonna leave her alone with him here, and I knew she tell I was gonna say that so she stood up and walked over to me.

"Jace please. Just call Aiden and tell him that my dads here" she said, her voice slightly cracking at the end.

"okay, but stay safe" I kissed her on the forehead and went down to call Aiden, making sure I closed the door behind me. I walked out to the back 'cause I really didn't want anything to do with Taylor's dad at all. I dialed Aiden's number and it rang and rang but he wasn't picking up.

"hey man" I saw Drake and Eric walk out if the kitchen into the back.

"hey man how's it going?" I asked them and gave them each a man-hug.

"nothin. We checked all the families and they're all settled pretty well. What about you?" Eric asked looking at me and I sighed.

"I don't know man. Taylor's dad's here and I can sense that there's something that happened between them years ago. She just told me to tell Aiden and he's not answering the damn phone." I tried again, an this time Aiden picked up after the third ring.

"hey Jace what's up?" he said.

"hey man I think we might have a slight problem" I told him

"what'd you mean?"

"Taylor just told me to tell you because her dads here" I could hear some kind of thump in the background and Aiden let loose a couple of curses.

"okay we're about ten minutes away. Whatever you do do not face him alone" he said and I could tell he was worried.

"don't worry" I said before I hung up. We waited for about five minutes before we heard the engines of cars pulling into the drive. They all got out and Aiden came up to me.

"hey man where Is she?" he asked, concern masked all over his face.

"I left her in her room" we went in and went straight upstairs, not bothering to check if her dad was still down there or not. We barged into her room, and there she was, lying limp on the floor, with bruises and cuts all over her. And her dad was hovering over her.

"touch her and I swear you won't live to see another day" Aiden said and her dad's head snapped up to see us all standing there. He didn't look bothered and the smirk on his face grew even bigger. The boys went up to him and pushed him away from Taylor, but not before he stomped on her calf.

All I could see was red, and my wolf was just about ready to pounce on the guy when two people grabbed hold of both my arms.

"Jace calm down" Drake and Eric tried to calm me down, but I ignored them as all I thought about was ripping the guys head off.

"Jace calm down. You can't go wolf infront of these lot" but that didn't stop me at all.

"Jace forget him and go take care of Taylor." at the mention of Taylor's name, I stopped thrashing about and focused on her. She was curled up in a ball and was bleeding quite a bit. The boys were still taking care of her father, so I made my way over to Taylor and scooped her up into my arms. She made a whimpering sound, but I just held her tighter to me.

"shh it's just me, I won't hurt you I promise." at the sound of my voice, she snuggled up closer to me and I took her to my room with Eric and Drake behind me. I gently placed her down on the bed and went to work cleaning her cuts and bruises.

The others came in after a while and, as much as I didn't want to, I let them take over. I went out back with Eric and Drake for a run, hoping I would be able to blow off some steam. I still wanted to rip the guys head off, but I had to control myself.

I set off in a run and jumped into the air, shifting into my wolf and shredding my clothes to pieces. Drake was on my right and Eric was on my left and we ran around the whole forest for hours. When we got back, we jumped straight onto our balconies and went in for a change of clothes. I put on a pair of loose black track pants and a black short-sleeved top and went down.

Everyone else was downstairs, but there was still a bit of tension after what just happened. After a while, everyone went back to normal and we sat in the games room playing Black Ops. We played for a couple of hours before heading to bed. I went into my room and waited till everyone else was fast asleep before jumping from my balcony to Taylor's. I snuck into her room and slid into bed next to her, careful not to hurt her. I slid an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me and she clung onto my shirt. I smiled down at her, and fell asleep listening to the soft sounds of her breathing.

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