Chapter 21

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Taylor's POV

I woke up on something soft and furry. I looked up and saw a familiar black wolf staring at me with soft blue eyes. I smiled up at angel, and he returned it with his own crooked wolf grin. It was quite dark outside, so I guess I was sleeping for a while.

"I gotta go. I live with a stupid douchebag and gotta get back before he realizes I've been gone for a while and kicks my ass." I said standing up and stretching. Angel let out a bark of laughter, and I playfully scowled at him.

"hey it's not funny. Honestly sometimes he can get pretty annoying." I walked back in the direction of the house, and angel followed. When I got to the house, I turned back and faced angel.

"I'll see you later angel." I said giving him a hug. He licked the side of my face and I laughed along with him. He took off into the woods, and I cleaned the side of my face with my sleeve. I was still smiling when I walked into the house. I heard Jace coming down the stairs, his hit was a mess ad his clothes were all mattered.

"what the hell happened to you? You look like a mess" I said smirking at me. He narrowed his eyes at me and carried on walking towards me.

"oh ha ha Taylor" he said sarcastically he stood right in front of me and leaned in closer, so his lips were right next to my ear.

"now for being so mean you're gonna have to pay" he murmure and a shiver passed through me.

"and how d'you expect me to do that?" I said, trying to keep my voice even.

"let's see" and he started kissing down my neck, to my collar bone, and I could feel tingles wherever his lips met my skin. I had to bite my lip and try my hardest to stop the moan that was threatening to escape my lips.

Jace continued kissing up and down my neck, with his hands firmly placed on my waist. I knew I had to stop him before I do something I would regret. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me, instantly missing the tingles he spread across my neck.

"I don't think so mister. Keep your hand and lips to yourself." I said smirking at him. He stood there smirking at me, and I just pushed past him and headed for the stairs.

"you know you'll want me sooner or later Taylor." he shouted after me, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me and Jace together. Naughty Taylor, you shouldn't think about that, I scolded myself. I was telling that to myself the whole way back to my room, and when I landed on my bed, I was out like a light.

Jace's POV

I stood there smirking as I watched Taylor go upstairs. I know she pushed me away and all, but the fact that she didn't push me away from the beginning was just as good. Plus I could smell how much she was enjoying it. And she slept with my wolf. She might have not known it was me, but she can't deny what she feels towards me or my wolf.

I went up after Taylor because it was pretty late. I changed into some pajama bottoms and climbed into bed, with sweet dreams of Taylor.

I woke up the next morning to the sweet smell of bacon. I got out of bed and wet down to see Taylor making breakfast in her pajamas. I snuck up behind her, but she was too into her thoughts to realize I was stood behind her.

"so what's for breakfast." I said in her ear. She jumped and turned to face me.

"flippin hell Jace you scared the crap outta me. Next time make some warning when you're gonna sneak up behind me." her eyes lingered on my abs for a while, and I smirked knowing she was checking me out. she turned back to the bacon on the stove.

"well then it wouldn't exactly be sneaking up on you then would it." I went over to the refrigerator and took out a carton of orange juice, and poured some in a glass.

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