Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV

"one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war" we both shouted as our thumbs wrestled.

Yes me and Chace were sat outside the principles office for starting the food fight. So to pass the time, we started playing little games. So far, we've played four rounds of eye spy, fifteen rounds of rock, paper, sissors, two arm wrestles and now, were on our second game of thumb wars. I grabbed Chace's thumb with mine and pinned it down for three seconds.

"ha I win. Take that sucker." I shouted at him while jumping up and down.

"hey that's not fair you cheated." he shouted back.

"did not"

"did too"

"did not"

"did too"

"okay how did I cheat?" I asked with my hands in my hips.

"easy, you used two hands."

"wha- no I didn't. I used one hand just like you. Its not my fault you have girly thumbs."

"I do not have girly thumbs. You have man thumbs."

"yeah I know. They're manlier than yours are."

"oh whatever." he huffed and sat down.

"ugh I'm all wet and sticky." I said when I sat back down.

"ha. Thats what she said." Chace said then laughed at his own joke.

"oh shut up, you're so dirty minded. I meant from the food fight.

"yeah I know. Man the look on the teachers face was priceless."


Chace turned around and the whole class was deathly silent. I just cracked an egg on Chace's hair which, for some people, would have been a life or death decision. Everybody knows that no one messes with the twins' hair because they said that it takes time to get it to that level of perfection, where women just want to stroke it all day, so they can't afford to get it messed up. Their words not mine.

"did you just crack an egg in my hair?" he asked, his voice low.

"what'd you think genius?"

"I think you're gonna pay."

"oh yeah. You're gonna have to catch me first." I said, then ran round the classroom with Chace behind me.

After a while of running, I turned around to see that Chace had gone off somewhere. I leaned back against the counter and my eyelids fluttered closed. They snapped open when I heard a can shaking next to me. I turned round just in time to see Chace spray my hair with that cheap spray cream.

I glared at him and he smiled innocently at me. I reaches behind me and grabbed one of the leftovers from some of the other lessons and threw it at him. He ducked just in time and it flew past him and hit the guy behind him in the back of the head.

The guy picked up and egg and threw it towards me, but I dived to the right. I turned and saw that the egg had gotten of the sluts in the face. She picked up some more food and threw it. That's when all hell broke loose. Food was flying everywhere, and people were dodging them and some were hiding.

The fight carried on for another good ten minutes, before the classroom door was swung open, and in walked the principle.

"what is the meaning of this?" he bellowed and almost everyone in the room froze.

"where is your teacher?" I guess Chance was still keeping her busy.

"right, who started this fight?" and almost everyone in the room pointed to me and Chace. Great, way to sell me out guys.

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