Chapter 14

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Taylor' POV

Aiden held me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I cried for about ten minutes before I couldn't cry anymore. I raised my head off his shoulder and he asked me "you ok now?" I nodded my head

"yeah I guess. I just didn't expect it. Before I would expect it and I was still half scared to death. I just caught me by surprise." I said shrugging. Truth was I wasnt ok. The dream of my mothers death had been terrifying, but I didn't want the boys worrying over me.

I looked around and saw all the boys either lying on my floor or on the bed.

""wait. I thought you guys had hangovers." they all turned to look at me and Jason leaned up on the bed.

"we did. I guess it was your screaming that made it temporarily disappear. And if it comes back full force, I swear you're gonna get." he looked serious but his eyes held amusement. I shook my head and a smile crept onto my face at his attempt to cheer me up.

"what 'bout school?"

"eh we'll just take the rest of the week off. It's winter break next week anyway so whats the point of goin'?" he said lying on my bed, his feet hanging off the side.

"er guys?"

"yeah" they all said in unison

"why the hell are you all lying on my bed!" I shouted and they all fell off in surprise. Chace stood up first and glared at me.

"jeez woman what was that for?"

"well you're all lying here doing nothing and I'm starving. So let's go get something to eat." I ran off downstairs with the boys behind me. When I got into the kitchen, I sat on one of the stools and Josh took the seat next to me.

"I thought you were hungry"

"I am but you guys are gonna make me breakfast. Last one that came down has to make it." they all started arguing over who was the last one to come down. I watched them with a smirk on my face. Mason put his thumb and index finger in his mouth an let out a loud whistle, which got the boys attention.

"How 'bout we go out for breakfast. At least then none of us have to make it." they all nodded their heads and ran off upstairs to get ready. I went to my bedroom and went straight for the bathroom. I got into the shower and got out when the water went cold.

I went into my bedroom and put on a pair of black and red bra and underwear. I put on a pair of dark blur ripped skinny jeans and a grey jumper that came just below my waist, with my low-cut leather jacket. I slipped on a pair of black high-top converses and tyed my hair back in a ponytail. I grabbed my gun, phone, keys and my wallet and headed downstairs.

The boys were stood in the kitchen, and when I came in we went to our cars. I jumped into mine and my ears were filled with the roar of engines. I revved my car before pulling out onto the road. We drove through other gangs territory and finally came to a stop outside a small shop. We parked near the back because this was neutral ground which meant no gang owned it, so we were all allowed here. I opened the door and the bell at the top chimed and I was instantly enveloped by warmth when I stepped in.

There were different gangs in here and when we came in they all turned to look at us. When they realized we weren't gonna do anything to them, they went back to eating and talking. We walked to a booth at the back and sat down. A young woman with black hair and brown eyes came to our table.

"hi I'm Hannah and I'll be your server today. Are you guys ready to order?" we all gave us our orders and she wrote them down on a pad and went off.

"chocolate cake Taylor. Really?" chris said looking at me. Yes I ordered chocolate cake for breakfast.

"what I like chocolate cake."I said shrugging. Ten minutes later the woman came back with out orders and we started eating. I was halfway through my cake when the door opened and the cafe fell silent again. I turned to look at who it was, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Jace there with his gang. They went over to a booth and everyone went back to what they were doing.

Me and the boys were talking and laughing and I felt like someone was watching me. I turned round to see Jace watching me. When I looked at him, it was like everything else had disappeared. I didn't want anyone else to know I was looking at him so I turned around and started eating again. I didn't stop conversation with the boys, and by the looks people were giving us, we were probably the loudest people there.

When we finished, we left the money on the table and left. We drove off, and when we came home I had a great idea.

"are we just gonna stay at home all day?" I asked the boys when we got out.

"yeah I guess we are" Aiden said heading for the front door. I grabbed his arm and brought him to a stop, and the other boys stopped as well.

"but we don't have to. I've got a great idea, but you guys need to be in. So are you in?" I asked them. They were all surrounding me and they all seemed to be thinking.

"can you tell us what it is first?" Tyler asked. I shook my head at him and told them that they had to agree first, so they all agreed and we headed off again.

Half an hour later, we were running through the back streets of LA with the Feds on our tail.

"Taylor I'm gonna kill you when we get back" Aiden shouted from behind me. They all agreed to my idea and now we were running from the police. I took a sharp left and the boys followed me. I carried on running until I was jumped on by one of the police and we rolled around on the ground. He tried arresting me but I wasn't going down without a fight.

He finally get me to stay still and handcuffed me. He pulled me up by the arm and too me over to one of the five police cars waiting for us. The rest of the boys were already there with big grins on ther faces just like me. You're probably wondering why we're smiling when we just got arrested, but it just gave us an adrenaline rush and I can tell the boys liked it.

I was pushed into the back of the police car with Chace and the others were put into cars, and we were taken to the police station. When we got there, we were dragged inside and our handcuffs came off. A police officer came to take us to our cells and when I saw him, I ran up to him and jumped on him. Luckily he caught me or we both would've gone down.

"oh my gosh Luke. I missed you so much."

"I missed you to. But what the hell are you doing in LA?" he asked me putting me down. I was gonna tell him when I saw all the confused faces of the boys stood there watching us.

"guys this is Luke. Luke these are my boys. Aiden, Tyler, Jason, Josh, Mason, Chris, Chace and Chance" I said pointing to each of them. "guys Luke here was one of the best officers back in Spain. Everytime they'd arrest me, he'd be my cell buddy. He always talked them out of locking me up and he always had my back., and he always turned a blind eye to my bad behavior. But he moved away last year 'cause he got a better job." I turned back to Luke. "and do you know what it was like without you there? I swear they took a dig at me whenever they could. And for your previous question, I moved back here."

Luke knew about my past because I knew I could trust him. That and he was snooping around in my files.

"hey man. Thanks for looking after my sister for me." Aiden said to Luke, who just waved it off.

"it was no problem. With the amount of trouble she used to get in, it was actually pretty fun. So Taylor, what've you done this time?" he asked with an amused voice.

"oh you know the usual. Breaking into shops, putting graffiti on buildings, fighting officers." and it was true. We broke into a shop for fun, making the alarm go off, we drew grafitti on some run down buildings and I had a fight with an officer.

"oh Taylor. What are we gonna do with ya?" he asked taking us to our cell.

"well you could go back and get our cars." I suggested and he just chuckled and left us.

"he seems like an alright guy." Chris said when he was gone.

"he is." I said leaning back on a wall. "he was always there for me and didn't let anyone touch me. I think even the officers were starting to get annoyed of him."

"Oh Taylor. You really are a trouble maker" Luke said coming back into the cell with some snacks and games.

"yep" I said popping the 'p'. We spent the rest of the night in the cell playing games and laughing with each other. Of course Luke didn't miss out on it either.

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