Chapter 24

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Taylor's POV

I could honestly say I was scared for my life when Jace left me to call Aiden. It wasn't even thirty seconds after Jace left when my bedroom door slammed open. I jumped and turned round to see my dad stood in the doorway with a menacing look on his face. He took a couple of steps towards me, and I took a couple back until my back hit the wall. Stupid flippin wall.

"well Taylor looks like you've done well for yourself. I really like the place."

"what the hell are you doing here?" I asked trying to sound calm, but on the inside I was freaking out.

"I'm here to finish off what I couldn't all those years ago." He carried on taking steps towards me, and I sank back against the wall. He stopped infront of me, his eyes pitch black, and before I knew it I was on the floor with a burning pain running through my cheek.

"why can't you just leave me alone?" I shouted, my voie cracking.

"because I know if I don't get rid of you, you'll go land me in a prison cell, and I'm not having that" he three another punch at my stomach, and I doubled over in pain. I couldn't seem to stop him when he threw multiple punches and kicks towards me. I tried to get up, but my body was protesting against that idea, and I flew in and out of consciousness a few times. I don't know how long I was up there with him for, but I was just hoping that Jace or someone else could get here fast.

I could hear shouting, and the punches were stopped, but he stomped on my calf one more time before felt someone rip him away from me. I felt two strong, warm arms lift me up off the ground, and I whimpered, not knowing who it was, but they just tightened their hold on me.

"shh it's just me, I promise I won't hurt you" I recognized Jace's voice immediately and I snuggled up closer to him, but not before I blacked out again.

I woke up and I felt like a train had run over me at least three times. My whole body was in agony, and I groaned when I turned over. I could remember everything about last night. Going out to get some food with Jace, him kissing me, coming home to my dad and him beating me to unconsciousness.

I rolled over on my bed and my face landed in the pillow next to mine, and my nostrils were filled with the most amazing smell ever. It was a mixture of the woods and spices, which may sound weird but it smelt wonderful. I tried to remember where I smelt it before, or if anyone I knew had the spray of it it was that nice.

When I finally got out of bed, I slowly made my way over to my bathroom for a nice hot shower. I got in and locked the door and turned the shower on. When it was hot enough, I stepped into it and almost moaned from how good it felt on my sore body.

I stayed under the shower until my fingers started to look like prunes. I got out and wrapped a towel around me and went to get changed. I was walking much better now because the hot shower done wonders to my body. I put on my underwear, a pair of thin white pajamas, an orange top and a white cardigan. I tied my hair up and slipped on a pair of comfy slippers and went down.

The boys were all sitting around the kitchen, and when they saw me they engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"guys...can't....breathe" I managed to choke out before they all let go of me. Aiden stepped infront of me and held onto my shoulders.

"how you feeling?"

"honestly I feel like I was hit by a train three times but I guess the hot shower got rid of some of the pain."

"ugh I can't believe he had the balls to come here and do that. I swear next time I see him I'm gonna tear him apart." he said looking mad.

"hey forget about that right now. And thanks for helping me last night." he pulled me into a hug an started stroking my back.

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