Chapter 32

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Taylor's POV

I didn't turn round when he sat down next to me. I couldn't. I knew the moment I looked at him, I'd break down again. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms round them, resting my chin on my knees.

We sat in silence, none of us saying anything.

"Taylor, I really need to talk to you." he said, breaking the silence first.

"about what?"

"everything." he replied. I shook my head and turned to face him, not caring whether I met his eyes or not.

"oh really? Then why don't you tell me why I found out stuff about you from other people. Why you didn't tell me. Why you've been hiding out for days. Why don't you explain that to me first?" he stiffened slightly, and his widened a tiny bit.

"what'd you mean?"

"oh don't try to play dumb with me Jace, you know exactly what I'm going on about" I stood up and watched him stand up to. "I had to find out from my kidnappers that you were a werewolf. Because you didn't want to tell us yourself. I had to find out that I'm your mate, whatever that means, from my kidnappers because you didn't tell me. And I know you've been avoiding me. I know that that night you were in my room wasn't a dream. And then you get my brothers to tell me that you were in an even deeper coma. Do you know how that made me feel? That you might not wake up again because it was my fault. But you did wake up. And you didn't bother to tell me you were fine, until you suddenly appear at my front door one day." I was shouting at the end, and I was trying really hard not to let the tears spill. I was done with crying for no reason.

"look I'm sorry I didn't tell you but-"

"sorry can't fix everything Jace" I interrupted him. "I had to find out from people who kidnapped me, the truth about a guy I thought I knew but I honestly didn't know nothing about him at all."

"I was gonna tell you." his voice rose slightly, but that wasn't going to make me back down.

"when? Before or after I was kidnapped? Or were you gonna tell me after you decided to wake up from your coma?"

"you have no room to talk Taylor." he took a step towards me, his voice dangerously low. "I was in that coma because of you." I shook my head as the tears started falling. This was exactly like in my dreams, but I knew that I'd never wake up from this. Aiden had said that Jace wouldn't blame me, but that was what he was doing now.

"you don't think that I know that? Everyday since you've been in the hospital I've been having nightmares of you saying those exact words. That you'd kill me, you'd kill yourself or you'd just leave me. Every night I'd wake up to all the boys in my room because they'd wake up with my screaming. Every night Aiden would tell me that whatever happened in those dreams wouldn't happen. But I guess he was wrong."

I turned around and ran back to the house, not caring whether he was calling me or not. I knew that once I got back, I was going to have a serious talk with the guys.

I walked in through the back doors, and they guys were all in the kitchen. I heard Jace coming in behind me, but right now I didn't care.

"why the hell would you guys do this?" they all jumped up and stared at me.

"what're you talking about Taylor?" Aiden asked walking towards me.

"you know what I'm talking about. You guys lied to me about Jace being in the hospital. You lied about his critical condition. You knew that I was having trouble with the whole Jace sneaking into my room and being gone by morning. You knew that I was confused as hell. I didn't know what was reality and what was a dream. And then you guys bring him here and act as if nothings ever happened."

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