Rick and Morty: OC Roslin Part 7

Start from the beginning

"oh that's... really kind of you Rick thanks." Roslin smiles a little.

"do... do you think your family will accept me?" Marty asks Morty.

Morty frowns. "I think mom might freak a bit if I bring another me home but... since your rick is dead I guess it can't hurt."

Rick glances at Marty. "well to be honest it probably won't rip open space or time... I mean, I meet other Rick's on a regular basis at any given time so you should be fine in that regard. I'm just not sure how well balanced the house hold would be."

"you aren't sure?" Morty raises an eyebrow. "but your never unsure about anything!?"

"well when it comes to science I've got it down to... well a science, but when it comes to matters of family I guess I don't really know what to expect. Family is something not even science can completely predict." He then glances at Roslin. "you might find a good use for your time hanging around Atlantis."

"Atlantis?" Roslin questions.

"many years ago scientists theories that there was a more advanced civilization known as Atlantis, but that years ago it sank to the bottom of the sea. When I say years ago I mean... like maybe several hundred years ago." He looks back outside the space craft. "I found it and have been there personally a few times. It might be just the kind of place your looking for assuming you want to advance your perspective of technology."

"I'd like to see the rest of the planet first if you don't mind." Roslin chuckles a little. "I've never been to earth before."

"well you're in for a treat." Rick chuckles a little. "alright we're here." He turns off his speed of sound device and the ship coasts to a slower pace as they enter earth's atmosphere. "hold your buckets." He says battling a bit with turbulence. "this tin can is still suffering damages. We should be ok though." As soon as he says this a piece of the outside shell flies off. "oh crap... ok this just got a little bit harder." The ship begins to spin out of control. "this isn't good!"

"rick do you have emergence parachutes on bored?" Roslin questions.

"yeah but only two." Rick growls. "oh man I'm going to be sick."

"focus Rick! You take one and I'll take one and each of will take a Morty!" Roslin says standing up.

Rick stubbornly stays at the wheel trying to turn the ship back into a normal flight pattern. "I can't let it crash again."

"it won't crash I promise." Roslin says. "but we need to go!"

Rick looks at her looks at his ship then nods and grabs the two chutes. "fine Morty hurry up come here."

"what!? You trust her that much rick?!" Morty yells.

"shut up Morty." Rick grumbles, then he takes his belt off and puts it around him and Morty. "just go with it."

"what are you doing!?" Morty screams.

"auggggg." Rick glances at Roslin. "ready?"

Roslin gives the thumbs up and grabs Marty under his arms.

Rick then slams the eject button and the group is shoot out of the ship and into the atmosphere.

Roslin points her bracelet at the ship and zaps it.

Rick smirks. "I thought you'd do something like that."

"yes well it beats building your ship from scratch again." Roslin laughs a little.

Morty screams and waves his arms around. "Grandpa Rick this is insane!?"

"calm down Morty." Rick Grumbles. "this is why I never take you anywhere fun."

Morty calms himself down but is still having a mild panic attack. He looks up at Rick who still hasn't pulled the parachute cord. "are you going to open it?"

"when we get closer Morty." Rick says holding his arms out. "you know this is a weird feeling I've never sky dived before."

"what!?" Morty screams right back in freak out mode.

"geeeezeeee Morty you don't have any clue how to have fun do you?" Rick grumbles.

Marty sighs. "I miss Rick calling me names and growling at me..."

Rick raises an eyebrow. "speaking of which how long were you apart from your Rick?"

"it's been about 2 or 3 months." Marty replies.

Roslin looks at the ground. "are we close enough yet?"

"yeah we should probably pull the cords now." Rick nods.

They both pull their parachute cords at the same time and gently float to the ground landing in front of Morty's school because the wind had blown them slightly off course.

"well bummer guess we got to walk now." Rick shrugs.

"or we could ask Summer." Morty says pointing.

Summer and one of her driving friends walk past and Morty calls out to them. "hey can we get a ride home?"

"um... I guess..." Summer raises an eyebrow at Roslin. "who is this?" then she looks at mechanical Morty and gasps.

"we'll explain later Summer." Morty says hurried. "can your friend take us home or not?"

"shaaaa yeah I was heading up there anyways." The friend says waving it off. "you may have to sit in the truck bed though."

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