Chapter 7: Rescue Part Two

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Walker's POV:

I looked down at the humans who were connected to the metal wall by chains. They all had their blindfold tossed to the side, most likely forgotten by the people last wearing them. I knew what I was about to do was bad and may land me in some deep trouble with the King, but I didn't care. They deserved it and I think that King Clockwork and Queen/King Ember may agree with what I am about to do, despite how much they say they claim that they don't hold a grudge.

I am going to torture these people to an inch of their lives for all the pain that they have caused Danny Phantom (and Fenton, as he went by in his 'human' form). They will pay. I went to one of the cells and flung it open, so that I could reach in and grab my first victim, Samantha Manson. I reached down and grabbed onto her arm, yanking her up with such force that the chains holding her to the wall ripped off the wall where they used to be bolted to. She screamed out in agony as the metal cuffs dug into her ankles and wrists.

I dragged her out of the cell, with her classmates and her yelling in the background, much to my irritation. "SHUT UP OR HER PUNIISHMENT WILL BE MUCH, MUCH WORSE" I realize it was unprofessional of me to lose my temper, but I couldn't help it. I forcefully threw Samantha into the chair positioned in the middle of the room, before strapping her to it using the leather belts that were attached to the chair.

She was squirming in the chair, trying to get out, but she was having no such luck. I laughed quietly to myself as I walked towards the table that was pushed against the wall in the back of the room. The table held some of my torture devices that I would be happily using on the teenager sitting in front of me. I decided to start with something simple. De-nailing. It was excruciatingly painful for humans and ghosts alike and I was usually hesitant to use it. I grabbed the device and walked menacingly back towards Samantha, who was staring up at me in fear. I waved the device in her front of her face, laughing evilly.

I stopped once I was standing in front of her, placing the device firmly on her nail, getting ready to pull. Just as I went to pull the nail out forcefully the door was forcefully pushed open. Standing at the entrance of the door was Daniel, sporting an expressionless expression. I gulped and stood up straight. "Daniel. I wasn't expecting you!" I exclaimed.

"Hello Walker. I'm not sure as to why you weren't expecting me. Like seriously? I just want these assholes to go back to Earth so that they can get out of my life for good."

"I know, your highness, but I want them to pay for all the shit that they put you in."

"I am aware, Walkie-Talkie, but I want to go home and spend time with my family and in order to do that, and I need to deliver these humans back to the human world. Violence at this specific moment in time is not right and it is not worth it. You can either do what is right and let me take them back to their realm, allowing everyone to get on with their life, or you can keep them, and torture them all you like, but that wouldn't be morally right, now would it? The choice is all yours. I don't want a fight and I honestly cannot give two shits what happens to them, but you will have to deal with me first."

I nodded to show my understanding. "I can't let them go, Danny. I...I just can't. They hurt you so much and I can't just let you take them." He sighed, looking at the floor in disappointment. He had clearly hopped i would choose the other option, but it wasn't in my nature. Sure, I was learning to be better and be more morally right, but I just couldn't let them go when I felt so strongly that they should be punished.

He quickly positioned his body into his traditional fighting stance, getting ready to attack me. I already knew that I was going to lose, but why would I turn down a good fight?

Danny's POV:

Reluctantly, I jumped into my fighting stance, getting ready to attack. I really need to just get this over with so that I can go back home to my family. I lunged forwards, retracting my hand to punch him in the face. The impact of the punch to Walker's face sent him crashing to the ground and it sent Walker flying into the bars of the cells. He groaned, before standing up and smirking at me. There was a playful look in his eye. He was enjoying this far to much. I giggled to myself, before shaking my head and running forward to kick him where the sun shouldn't shine. I retracted my foot and kicked him in the stomach, which Walker used to his advantage. He grabbed my foot, stood up, and flung me too the floor. I yelled out in pain as my back smashed into the ground.

He pulled his leg up and brought it back down quickly, so that his foot landed on my stomach, crushing my organs. I kicked my foot upwards, my foot connecting with the back of his knee, causing him to kneel over, using this to my advantage, I shot ectoplasm out of my hands, causing him to be blasted up onto the ceiling. He fell back down, now unconscious.

I lay down and shut my eyes, breathing in and out as I regained breath and absorbed ectoplasm from the surrounding atmosphere. Once I had regained my strength, I stood up and released the humans from them from their cells, and in Sam's case, chair. I made sure that they were all ok, before leading them all out of the room.

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