Chapter 8: Freedom

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a month 😬😬 This is a short chapter, I know, but I am working on another longer chapter to follow soon. Happy Holidays!
12 days!!

Tucker's POV:

Phantom had just gotten us out of that hell hole we had been taken to and was now leading us through the empty hall ways. He was beginning to get annoyed, that much was obvious. Mr and Mrs Fenton were putting up quite a fight. They didn't trust him because he's a ghost and they believe that all ghosts are evil and if they aren't already evil, it was only a matter of time before that changes. 


"If you don't let me lead you out of here, you will all be stuck here for the rest of your pitiful lives. Is that really something that you want? You are all lucky to be alive and at this rate, you are all going to die anyway, making my rescue a waste of my valuable time. I WILL GET YOU OUT OF HERE, LEAVE YOU WITH DANNY FENTON AND THEN I WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE."

Everyone stared up at him with looks of terror carved into their faces. I imagine mine looked similar. The Fenton's nodded at the angry ghost. All colour had drained from their faces and it was hilarious to see the 'fearless' ghost hunters afraid and shaking. I looked to the right of me to see Sam shaking in fear from her near torture experience joined with the loud yelling. She looked like she is about to cry, so I walked up to her and slipped my arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me. She immediately leant into me, showing that she appreciated me comforting her.

Phantom had turned around and continued to stalk down the hall without looking back at us to see if we were following. The hall seemed to go on forever. We had been walking for 45 minutes by the time we passed room A457.02. The numbering for the rooms was downright confusing, if I do say so myself. It was clear that getting to the other end is going to take forever.

We had finally gotten to the other end of the massive prison we were being kept in. Everyone was cold and hungry, but nobody was complaining as we were all too afraid to upset Phantom. I had lost track of how long it took us to get to the entrance and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

Phantom led us towards the exit, typing in a password to unlock the massive metal doors. The doors swung open revealing the familiar sight of swirling green, black and blue ectoplasm. 

"Ok everyone, listen up. We are not too far from where I am going to drop you off. When we get to the restaurant, we will be meeting up with Fenton, who will take you the rest of the way to Amity Park. You will all be able to get a drink and something to eat as well." Phantom explained calmly. We all nodded our heads furiously, wanting to get out of the prison as soon as humanly possible. 

Danny's POV:
I groaned inwardly as I led the humans out of the prison. It would take another hour to reach the destination we were heading for, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could put up with them. They were loud and disrespectful, and to be quite honest, a waste of my time. 

We continued to walk along the narrow path, passing a variety of moving purple doors. The group was chatting to each other quietly as I began to formulate a plan for the exchange. I already knew I was going to have to duplicate myself and have it be my human form. There was only one problem. I would have to find a way to switch with the duplicate, so the real me can go with the humans. I would also have to find a way to absorb the duplicate without anyone noticing. Oh what fun this was going to be.

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