Chapter 20: Explanation

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A/N: I know it has been a long time. I am very sorry. But here it is! Chapter 20! Thank you so much for your patience :)

Danny's POV:

We had made great progress with our journey. I had made the pathetic humans walk longer than I probably should have allowed them to, but in my defence, I'm incredibly worried. The feeling in my stomach wasn't going away. It was getting worse. My husband was panicking.  I could feel his emotions, and my wife's, through the bond we all share. When ghosts get married, they develop  a special bond that allows them to know where their lover is and what they are feeling. The bond was first created to allow spouses to know when the other is in danger. The creator of the bond, Rodger Bass, invented bonds after his first wife had been brutally murdered by a human, Bobby Fenton. Rodger was angry and very upset. He never wanted to feel the helplessness that he had when he had been unable to find her in time. 

Everyone had finally fallen asleep and I was now awake thinking of all the possible scenarios that could cause my husband, a man who is rarely ever afraid, a man who doesn't fear anything, so afraid. As the night went on, my thoughts got darker. What could possibly be wrong?

Ember's POV:

There was something  wrong. Clocky was worried. He was afraid and I could feel how stressed it was making Danny to be unable to go and find out what was happening. I quickly called Kitty to come and babysit my babies. Once she had arrived, bringing her son and her husband along, I raced towards the garage to collect my car. I was exhausted, so  I knew it would take to much energy for me to fly or teleport to where Clockwork is. 

I parked outside of his 'office', it was a bad attempt. I found that I had somehow managed to park across three spaces and half of the car was mounted on top of the light green grass. I jumped out of my car and ran towards the entrance. There he was, my dashing husband, pacing in front of his screens. He had tears flowing freely down his face. I had never seen him so miserable, not even when his sister banished him and then threw herself in front of a ghost hunter. She had intended to die, of course, and she had succeeded. I just wish she had done it without disowning her brother a few hours before. It had crushed him.

Clockwork looked up at me when I entered the room. He looked surprised to see me. This worried me more. It was close to impossible to surprise him considering the bond and the fact that he  could see all futures, even the ones that would have happened if different choices had been made thousands of years before. He was pale, almost as white as a typical hospital suite. This was an achievement in itself due to the fact that he is blue. Imagine what kind of news must have heard in order to change colour. 

"Clockwork, my love, what's wrong? You're worrying me" I looked at him expectantly. He shook his head, as if it would make me forget about his pain and as if it would cause the root problem to go away. 

"I know that you need to know, but... if I tell you... it will make it real" He was so quiet, I could barely hear him. At this point he was hysterical. 

"Tell me! I need to know what is causing you so much distress."

Clockwork took a deep breath before revealing the problem. 

"In every future, no matter what is changed in the past, no matter what decisions are made in the present or the future, there is no possible way to change the future." He paused. I smiled encouragingly, urging him to go on.

The next words that he spoke absolutely destroyed me. 

"Danny is going to die"

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