Chapter 2: Leaving The Living

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Clockwork's POV:

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that Daniel is human. With what I know about humans it is hard to see how such an amazing young man could be human. I mean I know that Ember and I were both human once, but still. It is ridiculous. Humans want to come to the Ghost Zone. Why would anyone think it was remotely safe??? I already know bits of what is going to happen and God help me, they will be lucky to get out.

I can see all things from the past, present and future. I can see all things that could have happened, but ever since I met Ember and Danny, I have been seeing less of what is in store. I am worried that Daniel may get hurt and I won't be able to protect him. I am not use to not being able to see anything and it is freaking me out. So far nothing too bad has happened though.

Danny's POV:
After leaving Phantom's Keep early in the morning, I slipped back into Fenton works. I doubted that my biological parents had actually noticed me missing. I haven't stayed overnight in this house since I was 14 years old, and they have never noticed. I must say, they are really shitty parents.

It was now 7 am and the class was coming here at 8 am to leave for the Ghost Zone, so I decided to make breakfast. I don't technically need to eat seeing as I'm dead. When I was electrocuted by the portal, I became half dead. My ghost half prevents my human half from aging once I hit a certain age. I found out that Ember, Clockwork and I were going to age, before we eventually stop. Now that we found each other, our bodies will age up to the ideal age when we are all in our prime.

I headed to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I decided on having a traditional English breakfast. I got out three eggs, four sausages, five bits of bacon, six mushrooms and two bits of tomato. I retrieved a frying pan and started to fry my food.

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There was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. On the porch of Fenton works stood my class. The all had a backpack of spare clothes.

"Hello Fenterd" Dash exclaimed, barging past me and pushing me into the wall. The class followed behind me, each giving me a slightly degrading name. Sam and Tucker entered last, each glairing at me with distain. As Tucker walked past, he gave me a kick in the shin and Sam simply stomped on my foot.

Five months after I half-died, Sam and Tucker left me to become A-listers. They were still the only full humans that knew of my secret and as far as I knew, they hadn't told anyone. It still hurts when I think about how I was ditched by my only two friends(at the time. I now have ghost friends). We had been friends since we were three and for them to leave me so suddenly seriously hurt. I still don't know what I did wrong.

Anyway, my parents had come to take the class own to the lab, where they proceeded to go over the rules.

"Ok, so we have a few rules to tell you before we enter the Ghost Zone. Rule one: No leaving the vehicle without our consent. Rule two: We would like no arguing, or at least limited arguing. Rule Three: Try not to attract attention from any of the ghosts. I'm sure there is more, I just can't think of anymore at this time being." Jack explained.

We all loaded onto the Fenton bus while nodding in response to Jack's rules. Once everyone was on board, the Fenton's opened the ghost portal and we sped off into my home world.


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