Chapter 14: On Our Way

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Danny's POV:

I was laughing my head off by the time they had finished their performance. It was truly spectacular!! We all continued to make a fool of our selves until I was required to meet the rest of the gang at our meeting point. I can't believe that it has already been two hours since we left the horrible humans behind. On the bright side, the sooner we get these idiots home, the sooner I can go and curl up into a ball in the back of my closet and cry. 

I said goodbye to Ember, Youngblood and Kitty. I decided that Johnny and I would take the humans and Kitty would take Ember for a spa day. I knew that she was stressed because of the recent events bringing back old memories. I shivered at the thought of my past affecting the people that I love most in the world. It hurts. Ember and Kitty headed towards the most main shopping section towards the spa. They were going to drop Youngblood at one of his friend's house, so that they wouldn't have to worry about him.

Johnny and I exchanged looks and we both rushed forwards, realising that if we weren't quick we would be late. We made it just in time to see the rest of the group in the distance. They were about a ten minute walk away, but due to my excellent eye sight I could see that far into the distance. I absolutely despise people who I don't like making me wait. It was not a pleasant feeling to be 'run' by people who you don't like. Even when you are in charge of the people you are helping, they still have a certain control over you. In a way, you are under their control because you are doing what you can do to help them with their problem. 

When the group finally arrived and we had done a head count, I started to give them instructions. We were about to go into a territory where the owner didn't really like humans. "Alright, we need to start our track. We will be passing through some anti-human territory, so you need to be careful, okay? I need you to follow what I say exactly. No questions need to be asked and any that are asked will be ignored."

I turned around and started to walk east towards the other side of the Ghost Zone. Over the years there have been a lot of rumours revolving around the size if the Ghost Zone. Most people speculated that it is no bigger than a small village. They would be wrong. This means that the more we walk, the more the humans see how wrong they are. 

Dash's POV:

Fenturd is walking confidently in front of us, leading the way to some dangerous territory. I would be dammed if I let her get us killed by some crazy delusional psychopath that she claims to run the next place we will be visiting. I would have to play this move tactically. If I move to quickly to take Danielle's place, I am sure to get my ass handed to me by her ghost friend. We were close now and all we had to do was pass over the broken bridge. Danielle said that the reason there was a hole in the bridge was due to the owner refusing to be a part of a society that was allowing humans to pass through. I was offended. As Sam said before, this is humanist. 

This Johnny guy uses a giant shadow to fetch some sort of ghost wood to place on top of the hole so that we can cross into it. Once we had all passed across and were starting to head towards the houses surrounding the area, I pushed through the crowed and headed to the front. I was going to be in charge of this operation.

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