Chapter 3: Bus Fire

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Danny's POV:

I watched as my class's faces morphed from excited grins to looks of amazement. They were all amazed at the swirling green air that surrounded the spectre speeder. The purple doors floating randomly in the ectoplasm air, moving randomly. Everything In the Ghost Zone was constantly moving around. It is confusing at first, but every ghost has a 'built in map' of sorts. If humans were to find a way into the Ghost Zone they would never find their way out. It was a simple as that.

As king of the Ghost Zone, I had the ability to create more land and control ectoplasm to morph into objects that I wanted. I could also give other ghosts the ability to do this. Ever since I became the king I have changed a lot of stuff about the GZ. For example, ghosts now had to be employed and work at least one day a week. It worked out well. Turns out, most ghosts wanted to work to fill up all the free time that they had.

Sighing, I put my headphones into my ears and turned up the volume. I loved music. It relaxed me to a certain extent. I was currently listening to a song by my band, The Killers, called 'Cut The Cord' (originally by Shinedown). My husband, Clockwork, was singing it. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I could hear my eardrums vibrating from the intensity of the volume.

Things were currently going well other than the arguments people were having. We had been in the GZ for three hours at this point. Everyone was starting to get restless. Sitting down for long periods of time does that to people. I could see that Maddie was starting to get pissed.


They could not have come up with a worse seating plane in all honesty. I mean, really??

Basically, Dash was sat next to Mikey at the very front to the left, which is bad because Dash will most likely torment poor Mikey for the rest of our time in the Ghost Zone. At the front to the right sat Kwan and Nathan, who is in the same situation as Dash and Mikey. Behind Kwan sat Spencer, who was sitting next to James. On the right was Paulina and Valerie with Kimberly and Juliet sitting behind. On the right of Kimberly and Juliet was Jones and David. Behind them was Billy and Carol and to the left was Newt and Nate. To make things even worse, I was sat in between Sam and Tucker at the very back. I have never hated seating plans as much as I do at this very moment.

"Sup loser" Greeted Tucker, who was wearing a giant scowl across his face

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"Sup loser" Greeted Tucker, who was wearing a giant scowl across his face.

"Hi" I mumbled back, sinking into my chair. This trip is officially the worst trip I have ever been on. Sam dropped into his seat with a dramatic, angry sigh. "Why do we have to be sat next to the freak? I swear we must have done something bad in a previous life or something." Ouch!!

They continued to torment me with hurtful comments for the next hour. I eventually got fed up and pulled out my phone and clicked onto my messages app.

PHANTOM GROUP CHAT was written in big letters, titling the messaging section.

D - You will never guess what

E - What?

C - He was forced to sit next to Sam and Tucker on the school bus

E - YOU WHAT??????????? Â FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C- Emmy, please calm down. If you get two angry you will lose control and that won't be good for anybody.

D - Guys, it's hideous. These guys ruined me. I was a mess for months after what they did.

E - I know. That's why I'm mad. Nobody, human or ghost or even both, should have to go through that. All I want to do is destroy them and I would have had you not stopped me.

C - I agree with Ember, Danny. What they did was unacceptable. God help them if I ever get close to them. Danny, please be careful.

D - I will. Promise.

I zoned back into the real world at the sound of a person coughing next to me. I turned towards the sound, only to become face to face with Tucker. He seemed to have been asking me a question. "Yes?" I asked. "Is there something that you want?"

"Uhhhhh...yes. I was just asking about the fact that you are texting" I raised an eyebrow in response. "Well, you see, I don't have service and I have an advanced PDA, so logically you shouldn't either"
I shrugged. "It's an advantage of being part of the ghost zone and part of the human world. I get the best of both in the way of technology!!"

--------------------------------------------TIME SKIP-----------------------------------------

Maddie had gotten hand cramps and handed the driving over to Jack. Jack wasn't the best driver in existence, so when the spectre speeder started to jolt around I wasn't that surprised.

"EVERYONE HOLD ON!! THE GROUND IS APPROACHING QUICKLY!" Screamed a panicked Jack Fenton. Everyone started screaming their heads off. It was rather irritating. I heard a loud bang and turned towards the window to see that the wing had blown off and the remains attached to the speeder were engulfed with flames. That was when I started to panic. There was no possible way to get them all out to safety in time. Lucky for me, the speeder was suddenly jerked up and Jack managed to land the bus, although it was rather rocky. The bus was still on fire and everybody was far to panicked to do anything about it.

"EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THE BUS. IT'S ON FIRE" Came a familiar voice belonging to Dash Baxter. People were struggling to unlock their seat belts and rush out in time. The fire was spreading quickly and almost everyone was out. I was about to leave when I realised that Sam and Tucker were still in the bus. The fire was now blocking all exits. I turned to face them, realising that Tucker's seatbelt was stuck and Sam was unable to get him out. I quickly rushed towards them and grabbed Sam by the elbow and Tucker by the shoulder, turning them intangible.

I flew the upwards and out of the roof of the bus. Once we were out of the now fully engulfed bus, I placed them down close to everyone else, without anyone seeing, I let go and fell to the ground, inhaling ectoplasm, despite the fact that I don't actually need to breath. I looked up and examined everyone to make sure that nobody was injured. It seemed that everyone was safe and uninjured. My body flooded with relief, only to be replaced with the realisation that our transport was now a ball of fire, polluting the green atmosphere. This was going to be an awful trip.

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