Chapter 4: The Beginning

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Danny's POV:
Within our solar system there is one star, the Sun, plus the eight planets and the dwarf planets that orbit around the Sun.

The Sun in my analogy is Dash. He is the centre of The High School universe and everything orbits around him, even the teachers. It is ridiculous. I used to believe that Sam, Tucker and I were immune to the gravitational field that seemed to surround him. I was wrong.

The class was laying around looking lost, yelling at each other and the adults were in the corner mumbling to themselves to try and figure out a way to get home. We were very far away from the Fenton portal and with the GZ constantly changing, it was getting further away.
I knew for a fact that nobody other than me had been to the GZ and I was their only hope of getting home, but I still lauded back and enjoyed the feeling of ectoplasm swirling around, relaxing me.

In all honesty, the idea of being trapped with this god forsaken class for longer than needed was what drove me to do what I did next.

"WILL YOU ALL JUST BE QUIET FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES??" I yelled out, annoyed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face me with expressions of pure shock and rage. "Right, now that you all silent, I can lead you out of the Ghost Zone and all you have to do is keep your mouths shut and listen to me."

The pupils all scoffed, looking slightly irritated with me. "What makes you think that we will listen to you?"

"Well, SAM, I have been here before and before any of you idiots ask why or when, it was because I was sitting in the speeder when my 'mother' hit the back of the speeder, sending me off into the unknown. I have been back four other times for similar reasons and I'm still here. Side note, even if one of you can remember the way out, the Ghost Zone is constantly changing its lay out. Now I know a few ghosts that have a portal to get us out and it will only take a few days to walk to. I any of you don't want to come with the ONLY person who knows the way out, don't follow me." With that I turned in my heel and walked in the direction of Vlad, Walker, Skulker and Frostbite's land.

I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know I was being followed. The heavy sighs, grumbling and stomping feet jogging to catch up was enough. To be honest, even if they had not followed me, I would have continued in my way. If they don't accept my help, they won't get my help.
-------//TIME SKIP//-----
we had only been working for 5 FUCKING MINUTES before the complaining started. Like seriously. I ignored them and sped up only to have them yell out in frustration and run to catch me up. I smirked happily to myself, snickering at their misfortune and pain.

By hour two they were dragging their feet on the ground, whining like four year olds. It was beginning to get on my very last nerve. I turned sharply and glared at them, letting out a sigh. "We will half a half hour break and leave quickly after that. There is a restaurant about an hour away where we can get some food. I'm sure you are all hungry as we haven't eaten since breakfast. Next to the restaurant is a gas station of spurts where we can stock up on food and water."
As soon as I started talking everyone flipped to the floor, ripped of their shoes and relaxed. The Fenton's were looking around warily as if expecting danger any time soon. To be honest I am kind of surprised that they haven't spoken much since the landing. I can't help but get the suspicious feeling that they are up to something.

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