Chapter 13: Ghost Zone City

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Samantha's POV:

We had been walking for hours now. Paulina was whining beside me about how her precious feet were getting blisters and apparently that was something to be worried about because she wanted every part of her body to be flawless so that the ghost boy would marry her. She has high expectations.

People started to gather enough energy to stop their winging when they noticed that we were passing through what seemed to be a farming estate. There were human ghosts milking what seemed to be ghost cows...? I don't really know. It looked a lot like a human farm, but for the dead. There were fields that appeared to go on for miles. When I looked at the 'ground' I saw that instead of walking on a dark green cloud, we were now on a solid purple road made of gravel. It was then that I realised that the ground did in fact feel more solid under my feet, like if I jumped up and down, the floor wouldn't break and I wouldn't fall to my death. I shuddered at the thought. I really don't want to be like these freaks. 

We continued to walk behind Danny and Ember, who were deep in a conversation about who knows what. Most of the class looked around, fascinated by the sights that surrounded them. Mr and Mrs Fenton looked baffled by the display the ghosts were putting up. I must say, I am rather surprised as well. Last time I was here civilisation seemed to be something that ghosts would never obtain. 

Everyone as now walking in silence, fascinated by the changing layers as we walked further into the civilisation. We passed several housing estates and theme parks. We also passed a bunch of ghosts that looked rather familiar. Every ghost we passed glared at us with disgust and hatred, but they always greeted Danny and Ember with a huge smile and a wave. When we passed one of the housing estates, we managed to get three more tag along. Johnny, Kitty and Youngblood Thirteen. It turns out that kitty and Johnny adopted Youngblood. 

I had my head down, quietly talking to Tucker, when Paulina and Star squealed and grabbed onto my arm. My head shot up to see what all of the excitement was about. My breath caught and I stared wide eyed in amazement. 

"Welcome to Ghost Zone City Centre." Danny exclaimed"We are going to stop here for a few hours. I want you to all be on your best behaviour ok? You may go off in groups. I will give you money and you can spend it on what every you please as long as you remember to get something to eat. Meet back here in two hours."

With that Danny came around and handed us some odd looking money, before heading off with the ghosts in the direction of what appeared to be a music store. 

Danny's POV:

Once we were out of sight of the human school children I slipped my hand into Ember's and pulled her closer to me, pecking her forehead. She relaxed almost immediately. We entered the music store, a place I really love. Ember owned. She would be leaving in two hours to work a shift here before heading home to spend time with Clockwork and our two sons. I miss the three of them so much. 

The five of us headed towards the sitting area that could be found at the back. It was a common place for us to hang out at. We all sat down, with Ember crawling up into my side. The four of us talked as we watched Youngblood walk around the store looking for something to do. He decided to pick out a CD from the large variety, put it into the CD player and press play. I immediately recognised the song. It was one of mine called 'Jump into the Fog'. (By The Wombats, Video above)

Ember and Kitty jumped up and started to sing along, leaving Johnny and I to laugh at their dancing and awful, fake singing.


What a great achievement it was
to get a hotel room this late
I bet they charge by the hour here
the kind of place where you should bring your own UV ray

It's not a big problem with me, love
you don't look that hygienic anyway
I'm only here because
I want to twist the structure of my average day

We feel nothing so jump into the fog
In the hope that we hit the ground upright
We feel nothing so jump into the fog
I just hope it's your bones that shatter not mine
We feel nothing so jump into the fog
You know that we hit the ground upright
We feel nothing so jump into the fog
In the hope that we hit the ground upright
We feel nothing so jump into the fog

What a great achievement it was
to find someone who shirks such little self-restraint
I'm a non-believer but
I believe in these dirty little wicked games

Snakes and ladders abandoned here love
the climb's too rough to slide back down again
I'm only here because
I feel the day deserves a truly sordid end

We feel nothing so jump into the fog
in the hope that we hit the ground upright
we feel nothing so jump into the fog
I just hope it's your brains that splatter not mine

In the hope nothing so jump into the fog
You know that we hit the ground upright
We feel nothing so jump into the fog
I've made some bad decisions, I'll admit that freely
It's just that life tastes sweeter when it's wrapped
In debauchery So drop your map, drop your plans,
Drop that five-step program
Because there's not an ounce of faith in this leap
It's clear you feel nothing so jump into the fog with me

Jump in, jump in, jump in, jump into the fog

Jump in, jump in, jump in, jump into the fog

Jump in, jump in, jump in, jump into the fog

Jump in, jump in, jump in, jump into the fog


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