Chapter 17: Sam's Perspective

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Sam's POV:
Danny was walking ahead of the group next to two strangers that looked strangely similar to him inhospitable ghost form. This small fact greatly confused me. A lot of things about this trip was confusing me. For example, Clockwork and Ember. What was up with that? I get that Danny is a ghost and all, but does that really mean that he has to go and get confused about his feelings. It isn't possible for a person to fall in love with two people at once. It's just not right.

Danny, Tucker and I used to be great friends and whilst I miss the feeling of being able to talk to him and having him defend me when  people were mean, I don't regret ending my friendship with him. It benefited me more in the long run. This way nobody picked on me simply because of who I am friends with. Tucker mostly agreed with me. He use to get bullied for being friends with Danny, and although Danny shielded him (and me), we were still aware of it.

When Danny came out as transgender, the bullying got worse. He lost a lost of people when he came out. The only person to stay by him was Jazz. I know that when I left the friendship Danny most likely assumed that it was because I was transohobic. I'm not. I just couldn't deal with the emotional side of the transition. Now that he has started to transtion, he was very attractive. I, like many other women, find him exceedingly attractive now. It was sometimes hard to remember that he was a girl. Or was a girl. Either way it didn't matter. In the eyes of many, he was a girl no matter how hard he tried to deny it.

Danny was walking in his human form talking to the ghosts that looked a lot like him. I had no idea where we were heading, but I knew we had to trust Danny to get US home safely. I don't know why he is trying to help the people who ha've treated him so badly, but I am guessing it is part of his obsession. He has always had a need to help people who need It. I personally would have just abandoned us with Walker, but I a glad he didn't. I don't want to die yet. Although I am thankful for him saving us, I was curious as to why. What could he possibly get out of helping us to live? Nothing as far as I can see. He gains absolutely nothing, except maybe regret in the future. When we return to school, I highly doubt much will change between him and the students who have made him an outcast and only ever shown him hatred.
Still, I am sure he didn't care about the effects it would have on his social status. He was selfless. It was hard to understand how people didn't see that. It was hard to understand why people kept leaving him, how people didn't seem to care about his health and safrty. Maybe that  was why  he ran off to the ghosts he was dating. Maybe we made him so desperate for attention that he ran to the enemy. It shows alot about the way he views us when he would rather be sleeping with the people who have continuously tried to kill him. This doesn't reflect well on us at all.

I wish I was still friends with him. He was such a good person and he treated , he so well. I miss the way he used go comfort me and stick up for me when my parents were being jerks. I regret my decisons when it came to him. But even with this knowledge, I knew that I wouldn't do anything to change the state of my relationship with him. I knew I wouldn't stick up for him against Dash. I knew that my actions would stay the same, if not get worse.

A/N: Another short chapter this week!! I hope you enjoyed an insight to what Sam is thinking! Are you surprised?

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