It Wasn't Over Yet

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(Alice's POV)

I rushed out to the living room. Everyone was staring at me. Once I caught my breath, I told everyone about the dream I had before going haywire. Telling them about the marking on the wall that I had managed to catch a glimpse of before I woke up.

"I know where that is," Tara said as she looked at Emrick.

"So do you think that they are there?" Tate asked.

"Its a possibility," Emrick said as his eyes met mine.

"Why don't we go find out," Ceciellia said.

"First, we need to call up all the help we can get," Alex said.

"They still have a lot of hybrids on their side, and have probably made more since the last battle," I said with a sigh.

"We will just have to fight harder," Raven said.

"Let's finish this once and for all," I said with a nod.

(Tate's POV)

After everyone had made their calls, and everyone was dressed for battle, the others had showed up. Together, we gathered all the weapons we needed. We were finally ready.

"So, who's going with who?" I asked.

"Tate, you take Alice, Alex, and Anna. I will take Damon, Luna, and Caleb. Salena take the Immortals with you. Rain will stay here with Raven, Ali, and the baby," Ceciellia said.

Within moments everyone had vanished into thin air. I held on tight to Alice's hand, as I watched my mother hold Emrick and Tara's hands. They left before we did.

I closed my eyes, while embracing the rush I felt from teleporting. When I opened my eyes, we were in a tunnel. We were all here, and everyone was silent. Only I could hear talking in the distance.

I looked down at Alice, who nodded her head in approval. Everyone slowly made their way towards the voices. Through a partially opened door, we could see Kane laying in a bed, surrounded by Sophia, James, and other a few other hybrids.

I seen Sophia turn her head in our direction. She could sense Alice was here. I know this, because I had that same connection with Alice. Suddenly, the door was swept open by Sophia, who had a grin on her face.

"So glad you could join us," Kane said as he sat up.

When Alice seen he was holding the baby, she gripped my hand. My eyes met James, and he smirked back at me.

"You must be Alice," He said as he stepped away from the bed.

"Don't touch her," I said with a growl.

"Good job, you got yourself a little pet. What a good little protector," He said as he bared his fangs with a grin.

"How did you find us?" Kane asked as he caressed the baby's face.

"Because I'm more powerful than you will ever be," Alice said as she tried to step forward.

James smirked as he narrowed his eyes at Alice.

"The last time I seen you, you were so quiet. I kinda liked it better that way," He mocked Alice.

I could feel her anger growing.

"Well I'm not that little girl anymore," She said as she cocked her head to the one side.

"Prove it," He said purposely trying to get under her skin.

Alice let go of my hand, but before I could grab her, she was already rushing at James. He deflected her, making her fly into the wall. That's when I could feel myself begin to change. I was releasing the beast.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora