Get Away With It

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(Alice's POV)

I stood in front of the raging flames. My body bathed in its warmth. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Breathing in the smoke. The smell of burning wood and flesh stung my nostrils.

My attention was brought back, after hearing the snapping of a twig. I turned toward the dark woods. With my heart racing. Another snap made me take a step back.

"Whoever is there I'd leave now. Or else," I said as I elongated my teeth and nails.

A shadowed figure on all four came into view. I squinted my eyes to get a better view. That's when I seen his green eyes, then his large wolf form emerge from the thick woods.

"Tate?" I asked as he approached me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked now standing in front of me in his human form.

"They're my parents," I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"I know," He said with a sigh.

"You knew?" I asked as I stepped away.

"Yes, but..." He said before I cut him off.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled as I shook my head.

"Alice, I just found out myself," He said as he took both of my hands.

"When?" I asked.

"After Kane disappeared, and you fainted, I was going to have you feed from me, but they told me not to. I asked them why, and they told me that they could make you feel completely strong again. When I asked how that would work, they told everyone that you were their child," Tate explained.

"This just doesn't make any sense," I said.

"I know it doesn't. There's another thing you need to know," He said.

"Please tell me it isn't more bad news," I said as I shook my head.

"No, not really. Come with me," Tate said as he brushed the hair out of my face.

"Okay," I said with a nod.

I watched his naked, tan, scarred body turn back into it's wolf form. It caused me to bite my lip, and I could feel my cheeks redden. I was about to start running, but Tate didn't follow. When I looked back at him, he nudged his head.

"What? You want me to ride on top of you?" I asked with a slight smile.

His large head bobbed up and down. I took a deep breath, before hoisting myself onto his back. After wrapping my legs around his sides, I leaned forward and held onto the fur on his neck.

He took off like the speed of light. I held on tightly, while nuzzling my face into his fur. The cool air whipped around us. I could no longer feel the warmth of the fire. The smell of burning wood and flesh faded from my nostrils.

I could feel Tate slowing down. So I looked up, only to see that we were in a graveyard. After he came to a complete stop, I climbed off of his back, and stood in front of a mausoleum. I looked at Tate with confusion. He was now in his human form, and getting dressed.

"Where did you get clothes from? And why are we here?" I asked as I pretended to look away.

"All four of the Immortals seen this coming. They were prepared. Follow me, and I'll show you why we are here," He said as he walked towards me while buttoning up the white shirt.

"I swear this just keeps getting weirder and weirder," I said as I watched him.

"In there," He said as he pointed at the mausoleum.

"What's in there?" I asked as we approached the mausoleum.

The Sanctuary

"This is the sanctuary. It's one of thousands of safe places for the Immortals to hide out. They're all connected through a system of tunnels," He said as he opened the door.

In the middle of the room was a cement casket.

Here Lies The Betrayer

"Who's the betrayer?" I asked as I traced my fingers along the cement casket.

"This is one of the men who was in charge of keeping them safe. He found out about your parents secret, and tried to bargain with..." Tate said but stopped.

"With who?" I asked.

"He was human and craved their powers. He wanted to live forever. So, he talked to the one King who could grant him immortality..." Tate said.

"Kane," I said as my eyes met Tate's.

"Yes," He said with a nod.

"That's why he wanted me so bad. He knew what I was capable of. That's why the hybrids blood had such a powerful affect," I said as I admired the art work on the cement casket.

"Yes," He said.

"So, they entombed their supposed safe keeper, and sent me to my moth... To save me from being captured by Kane, and used for his wicked scheme," I said almost in tears.

"Yes," Tate said.

"That innocent woman that took care of me... My mother... She died for me... Because of me... For nothing..." I said as a single tear streamed down my face.

"I tried to stop them... Alice... I really did. There was nothing I could do," He said as he touched my arm.

I screamed as I threw my fists down on the concrete casket. It startled me so much, I jumped back. The force caused it to crack. It split the whole way through. I watched as Tate approached the broken casket. He looked back at me, with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's empty," He said.

I quickly walked up to the cement casket to see if it was true. Through the crack, I could see only more cement.

"I don't think they seen this coming," Tate said.

"We have to warn them," I said as I grabbed his arm.

"Let's go," Tate said as he started to undress.

He handed me his clothes, before walking out of the mausoleum. I watched in awe, as he turned into his wolf form. After he let out a howl, I climbed onto his back. Clenching his clothes between my chest and his furry back, as I laid down and held onto his fur.

As he took off for his grandma's, all I could think about is who this person is. I don't know what he looks like. Or where he is. Or how he escaped. But I do know one thing. He won't get away with it.

(Pic is what Tate looks like as a werewolf)

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now