Bloody Tate

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(Anna's POV)

It was another sleepless night, as I lay in my bed watching Alex sleep peacefully next to me. Things haven't been the same since I lost Alice, my one and only friend. Although now I have Alex and I'm friends with Tate, Ceciellia, Rain, and Damon, none of them could compare to Alice. This is what I think about every night. It eats away at me, leaving a hole inside.

I often wonder what has or is still happening to Alice, or if she is alive or not. Always wondering where she might be and what she is doing. I think about when and if I will see her again. I ponder about how her change has affected her. I think of her.

I kiss Alex on the cheek before rolling over to look out of the window into the cold black night. Alex wraps his muscular arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I'm finally able to drift off, feeling comfort in his touch. Slowly, slowly, until darkness surrounds me.

It didn't take long before I awoke again. Only this time it was due to the harsh storm brewing outside, as well as the presence I sensed in my room. I sat up in my bed and looked at my bedroom door. It was wide open, and at the foot of my bed, two glowing blue eyes stared at me. I reached out for her, and she climbed onto my bed before curling up on my lap. I stroked her long, dark brown hair because it calms her during thunderous storms.

I cried silently while holding onto my precious but cursed daughter. Alice's cursed blood runs through her veins, making her the first hybrid of her kind. So, not only is my daughter a vampire, but she is also part banshee. I could tell from day one, after finding out I was pregnant, that something was wrong.

When I look at my daughter, I see innocence. The quintessence of purity that was tainted. She looks sweet and harmless on the surface, but deep within her is the same creature that plagued Alice. Though no one has ever seen a breed of her kind, Ceciellia tells me she is potentially dangerous if raised under the wrong guidance. I can't help but wonder how a five-year-old could be dangerous?

It was no surprise to me to learn how much power she contained. Especially because when she kicked from inside my womb, I could physically see her foot pressing against my belly. If she was that strong while still inside me, I could only imagine what she would be like as she grew. It honestly scares me, but if she's anything like Alice... I have high hopes for her in the foreseeable future, despite my overwhelming fear for her safety.

I feared that just like Alice, she would eventually be hunted for her blood. I've never seen her turn into either creature much less use her powers. I pray every day that day doesn't come soon. That way I can prepare her for the dangerous path ahead. She doesn't even know what she is, and I'd like to keep it that way. At least for now. I wanted to keep her and her secret safe, where I failed Alice.

When I know she is hungry, I secretly pour a bag of blood into her sippy cup. She feeds so much, like a constant thirst that cannot be quenched. That's why I refuse to put her in school, and keep her in the house, unless we leave together. That's when Tate and Ceciellia usually help us with her.

She views Tate as her uncle, Ceciellia as her grandmother, and although she never met Alice, she believes Alice is her aunt. I tell her about Alice all the time and show her old pictures of the two of us growing up together. Any time I talk about Alice, my daughter looks at her pictures on the wall and smiles.

I believe she likes her. Or perhaps it is the bond formed by blood? I've wanted to know for so long. I think Ceciellia could tell me, but I've been too scared to ask. I don't know if it was fear of the danger she'd be in, or fear that she'd be closer to Alice than she is to me. It makes me feel guilty when I have these intrusive thoughts.

I look down at my baby girl. My sweet and innocent child. My dear Ali, named after Alice. Not to replace her, but to remember her by. To give me hope she is still out there. I close my eyes and picture Alice as she was before everything changed and life became more complicated than it was. Before we knew about the other creatures and dangers lurking in our world.

I opened my eyes after suddenly feeling strange. My entire body was covered in goosebumps, but I wasn't cold. I looked down at Ali, who was asleep, then at Alex, who was also sleeping. I laid Ali next to Alex, and he wrapped his arm around her. His protective instincts have kicked in. He does that sometimes while asleep, mostly when he has an unpleasant dream, or when he senses danger nearby.

I quietly crept out of the bed and tiptoed over to my dressing table. After grabbing my robe from the chair, I wrapped it around me and tied it as I walked towards my door. As I'm walking to the door I see a shadow outside my window. It didn't stay there for very long.

The shadow moved around the outside of the house like it was trying to find a way in. I left Alex and Ali in my room, and quickly closed the door and locked it behind me. While following the strange sense I had, I found myself in the kitchen. I know I'm not hungry. So, what led me here?

Then it hit me. It was the smell of fresh blood. My eyes darted to the floor, where a blood trail was evident. The trail of blood drops led me back to my bedroom down the hallway. It stopped in front of my bedroom door.

Panic set in as I tried to open the door, forgetting it was locked. Just as I reached for the key in my robe pocket, I felt the presence standing behind me. The smell of blood filled my nostrils, but it wasn't human blood. There's something foreign about who or what it was. My fight or flight mode kicked in as my fangs extended from my gums, as did my fingernails.

I quickly whipped around, but before I could attack, the figure grabbed my hands. It was too dark, so I couldn't see the mysterious figure's face. The figure pushed me against the wall, with my hands above my head. All I could smell was Kane's scent lingering on his body. It was difficult to forget the smell of absinthe, death, and roses.

I can hear both of our hearts racing, as we pant in syncopation. There are hints of pain in his labored breathing. This person was injured, but why did he come here?

As if by magic, the moon's light shone upon his bloody face. There are familiar features I recognize, from the sharp jawline to dirty blonde hair, and the most recognizable is his emerald green eyes. It's a bloody Tate.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now