The Immortals

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(Alice's POV)

I was unsure of what I had really seen, or what I thought I had seen. For a moment, I could've sworn that I had seen Sophia's face, while I was being teleported to the mansion. I don't know why... I think I could feel her too. Anytime she was close, I could feel it. Could she feel the same thing?

Just then, I remembered what Lucy had said to me about Sophia being my mate. I had the same connection with Tate, because he's also my mate. I could never choose Sophia over Tate. Sophia works for Kane. Yes, she was a good friend while I was held captive, but closer to my escape she'd begun acting differently.

When I opened my eyes, I was standing in the dinning room. The place where the first battle happened. Tate hugged me as soon as he'd seen me. I was shocked, but I hugged him back.

"What's this for?" I asked confused.

"In case something happens tonight. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Yes, I have changed, but that doesn't change how I feel about you, Alice. I hope it doesn't change how you feel about me. I know you know about what happened at the hotel, and I am so sorry about that. I have no control over the new me. If it comes out tonight, I want you to get as far away from me as possible. Do you hear me?" He asked.

"I love you too, Tate. Yes, I was hurt, but that could never change how I feel about you. I don't know what it's like to deal with something like that. If you do turn, I will not leave your side," I said as I shook my head.

"You have to! I don't want to hurt you. I've never turned before, and I don't want to know what happens when I do. I don't want you to see that," He said.

"Hey. Is everything okay over here?" Luna asked as she approached us.

"Yeah we're fine," Tate said as he attempted a smile.

"Listen, I know the whole being a werewolf thing is a little nerve wrecking, but once you change and get used to it, you will have more control. You just have to take a deep breath and relax. Your inner wolf will take over, but just know you are the one in control," She said as she patted his shoulder.

"So... wait... now that you are a werewolf. Does that mean you have another mate, too?" I asked him.

He gave me a strange look.

"Too?" He asked.

"Yes... I have another mate..." I said as I looked at the ground.

"Oh... how do you know? Who is it?" He asked.

Everyone's attention was now on us.

"It's... Sophia..." I said nervously.

"What?" Anna asked as she approached us.

"Yes, it is true. My other mate is Sophia, but I would never choose her over you, Tate," I said as I shook my head.

"Woah man, if you have another mate, it better not be me," Damon joked.

"Not the best timing," Alex said as he nudged Damon.

"Enough of this, now. We have work to do," Ceciellia said as Cora showed up.

"They are safe. No harm will come to them," Cora said.

Just then, a group of men, who appeared to be in their 20s, walked in wearing army gear and had a variety of weapons strapped to them.

"Um... who are you?" I asked.

"Friends of Caleb. Who are you?" The one guy asked in a cocky tone.

"Not someone you want to mess with. Are you here to help?" I asked as I squinted my eyes.

"Yeah, they're with me," Caleb said as he walked over from the other side of the dinning room.

"These are your friends?" I asked.

"Yeah this is Lone Wolf, Dark Knight, and Dazed4Days," Caleb said as he pointed to each guy.

"Are you being serious?" I asked.

"What? They know what they're doing," Caleb said.

"Only because of video games. This is real. If you die in battle, you die for good. This isn't a game. I mean you even introduced them by their gamer names," I said as I exchanged glances with Caleb.

"Excuse me, but we are all from the army. We got dropped because of injuries. Also, my real name is David," said the guy wearing a green bandana on his head.

He was the one introduced as Dazed4Days. He was a tan guy, with muscular arms, tattoos, and a mohawk. Yet he was rather skinny, well more like in shape.

"Yeah, we all met in recovery, and after we got out, we kind of used video games to feel like we are still out there saving the world. It's a pleasure serving in this fight. Kyle, at your service," The guy with the leather jacket said as he held out his tattoo covered hand.

He was very pale guy, but had a bit of muscle on him. He was wearing glasses, and his hair was parted neatly, like a rich kid who has his mother pick out his clothes.

The other guy, Lone Wolf, was a guy who looked to be a very light skinned mix of Latino and African American. He wore a white T-shirt, jeans, and a black bandana. He kind of looked like he was part of a gang.

"Ok, well I hope you know that your not fighting normal people," I said.

"You act like none of us know what's out there? We worked for the government. They know more than you think. I'm sure we can handle whatever comes our way," Lone Wolfe said.

"Oh really?" I asked as my fangs slowly began to feel my fangs elongate.

"Vampire!!!" David said.

"Oh come on," Kyle said as he handed David $20.

"You guys are ridiculous," I said as I laughed.

"Leo. My name is Leo," Lone Wolf said as he held out his hand.

After shaking all three of their hands, Ceciella approached us.

"Alright we got some work to do before they come," Ceciellia said.

"Woah who are the old ladies? And how are they going to helping us?" Leo asked.

"We're witches, and far from old, little boy. You best watch yourself or I'll put a spell on you," Cora said with a giggle.

Being that she has the power to control minds she was able to make herself look young to everyone.

"Crazy shit, you just turned back like 40 years," David said.

"Enough, come on we have some calls to make," Ceciellia said.

They had made several calls to many types of creatures. The originals, one's that hadn't been mutated into hybrids. One's that were still pure, and against the mixing of breeds. One by one more beings showed up.

A few of the vampires who were casted out and formed their own clans. Another coven of witches showed up, about 4 of them. Luna's pack showed up, including her father and mother, which are the Alpha's, as well as her older sister and two older brothers.

Even a few banshees that were just like me, half human, half banshee. They could only talk through their minds, but only to those who possessed the ability to read thoughts. That's where Ceciellia comes in handy. She is the only person here that can communicate with them. That's how she would always communicate with me, as well as tell when I was close by.

A few shape shifters, fairies, reapers, angels, showed up as well. The commotion was loud, but died down when four people, in which I've never seen before, appeared from a glowing light.

"Bow down in front of the Immortals," Ceciellia said to everyone before kneeling.

(One of the Immortals)

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now