One Hell Of A Mess

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(Tate's POV)

I woke up, well my body and mind did, but my eyes stayed shut. Last night was a blur. I couldn't remember anything. It was af if I had been drugged. With my eyes still closed, I used my hands to feel my surrounding areas. Everything was wet. What the hell. Where am I?

I opened my eyes, but quickly regretted that I had. Her eyes were open and glossy, her body was cold and covered in blood. Even I was covered in blood. Panic began to set in.

I rolled her up in the sheets, before running into the bathroom. After turning on the hot shower, I jumped in and scrubbed my whole body, until I felt raw. The water that hit the white porcelain tub floor ran red, because of all the blood. What have I done?

I refused to get out of the shower, until the water was clear, allowing the steaming water to engulf me in it's fire. When the water began to turn cold, I turned the knob, shutting it off. After stepping out of the tub, I dried off with a towel, and quickly put on a T-shirt and jeans.

I looked at the mess I made, before opening the door to my hotel room. That's when I heard the woman from room 7 open her door as well. I didn't bother to look back or say anything to her. There were more important matters to take care of. I banged on Damon and Alex's door.

"I'm up," Alex said as he opened the door.

I pushed past him, until I was standing in the middle of the room.

"We have a problem," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair and began pacing.

"What's wrong?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned in surprise to see her. The girl I saved, but then left me for dead. Luna...

"Come with me," I said to the three of them.

They followed me to my room, and I opened the door. Alex didn't even walk in. The smell of blood was as strong as the spray of skunk. Most likely because of our nonhuman sense of smell.

I watched as Luna slowly walked up to the dead girl. She turned around around and slapped me. I touched my face, and gave her a confused look. Her eyes turned a deep red and golden color.

"I'm sorry. I don't even remember doing that!" I said as I shook my head.

"You killed her. How could you do that? She escaped just to find you!" Luna said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about. You killed Alice! The night she escaped, I sent her here. She was supposed to stay in room 7 with the babies," She said.

"That girl. I knew something was up with her... All this time she was next door... wait..." I said.

It hit me hard.... Babies... she had babies... to who?

"What?" Luna asked.

"Alice had babies. I thought she loved me," I said.

"Where are the babies? Did you kill them too?" Luna asked.

"No... no... this isn't Alice. I called for a escort, because I felt this really bad urge. I lost control. I can prove it," I said.

"Prove what exactly?" Damon asked.

He stopped as soon as he seen the dead girl in my hotel bed.

"She brought a purse with her," I said ignoring Damon.

"Shut the door and get in here, we don't need people asking questions," Luna said.

Alex and Damon came in, shutting the door behind them.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now