Epilogue -Already seen it and felt it before

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It was strange, I picked it up and the stain smelled fresh. The blood had soaked and I could make out ....I knew the smell....its....oh god I can't connect it.....I know the fucking smell.

I closed my eyes focusing on the smell but it was like something was stopping me like a hollow pit. I reach too close and drop down I just CAN'T get to the smell.

I heard the door being unlocked to reveal a naked godly body with water dripping down.  My eyes were as if spell bound.

"Why is there stain on your hoodie? " I questioned making him turn with his eye glowing.

His expression faded and he strolled towards me, I was already distracted but then his warmth put me on edge.

"I was saving a girl on my way. She was being troubled by   some alley thief .I saved her but got into a fight ,..well  I didn't decide on telling you... although you found it.. And since I know you'd ask my wounds healed. " he said wrapping his arm around my waist.

“But this isn't your blood...I could have told if it were yours. Strange thing is I just can't figure--”

Before I could utter something I felt his manhood pressing against my thigh. I shook my head to look down.

"Like what you see?" he smirked.

" Babe I have already seen and felt it before , nothing's new " I blushed before being pushed on the bed.

1 year and half later....

"Hazel !!! Don't mess around come back to mom" I shouted running after her but she wouldn't listen and flashed her pouty face to me.
"That face is not gonna help
You young lady! " I chased her around the house. Well she's a mischievous one. I looked around as he was fast enough to run away.

"Daddy!" I heard her scream.

I saw Augustine picking her up and swirling around. Well he loves her more then me....!
I sighed. Throwing her dress on Augustine's face, "Make your daughter wear this." I strolled round the kitchen.
And my eyes fall on the crushed paper hanging on fridge.
Hey baby girl!

Good evening. Will be back soon. Don't wait up have dinner with Augustine and we need to talk.

Yay! Every day my eyes landed on this note and I wish CARL was here. Every day Augustine crumbles it and throws it in dustbin but for me it's a habit to pick it up and put it back on.

CARL never came back and not only this but he never got to see his girl. Yass! It was his kid. Apparently Augustine had no problem with Hazel.

All I would do is try to reach out to him which now has become a ritual for me.

Thinking about it, tears crippled down my cheeks. I heard footsteps echoing and arms wrapping around me. I small smile curled around my face and the last thought that was in my mind that maybe Carl left for good.
Which by the way Augustine pushed into my brain through psychic whenever I missed CARL way too much.

All I can do is hope he would come back one day. And for the time being I content my mind by living in his fantasied..

Augustine's POV:

I hate to see Her so miserable. Every night until A month CARL didn't come home she would cry and lock her self. She tried every way possible to reach out to him. But little does she know you can't reach to a dead man -wolf whose body is lying in a pit decomposing.

I know Hazel is her child and got his traits but now that he's gone I feel I have taken his place.
She's has a space still empty for him. Which I know I will never be able to conquer. What satisfies me that I am the only man in her life.

Trust me I felt too bad when I bit him with my flangs and ripped his heart out and then buried his body but what can I do?
And boy did I hate him for ruining my damn favorite hoodie with his blood while he struggled to live with his head in between my flangs. !!! Well it was one hell of a view to watch.

I don't like to share what belongs to me!

***THE END***

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