Is it a threesome plan about which I never knew ??

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Edna's POV:

My body started to shake and the dancing colors appeared in front of my ryes again.

** In her subconscious mind when she's asleep ***

I found myself in a valley , running along a road. As I walked along the empty road I saw a open area which was decorated. It was a wedding setup and the flowers were spread around. The aisle was beautifully designed and the heats were hanging on the tree branches.

As I walked down the aisle my eyes were wide open as panic raced through me. I saw bodies covered in blood and some of them were shot. 
I stepped back jumping as I realized that I had stepped on a dead body and to my horror there were bodies all around. Weapons were lying all around. It was all so brutal.

It was hard to believe  that a memorable marriage had turned into a night mare. And not only adults but also the kids play dead shot by fun. I moved the bodies to see if any one if them were still alive. As I moved further years speed from my eyes as I saw the bride in a white peachy gown which was now coved by blood lay dead in arms of the groom which seemed as if they took their last breath together.

It scared me even more as I missed Carl so bad.

I moved,  staring at them, numb. It was all horrible. But I saw the groom move as his blood covered hands shivered. I ran  to  rescue him.

I pulled him in my arms and tried to carry him to the chair. Dragging him to the hair I made him sit as I saw his wound. He suddenly bough his mouth near to my ear and whispered with all the energy left in him.

"Shouldn't have come here" with that I saw that knife he stabbed into my stomach and pain rushed through my blood stream again.


I shut my eyes open , panting hard. As I looked around I saw Carl and shock flashed in his eyes . It appeared that he had just shifted. But.....

Omg the blood!!! 

I looked at Carl in horror as I inspected his wounds before I felt a pang in my chest and my hand slipped down on my stomach. The scene flashed in front of my eyes the time I was stabbed. I felt as if someone grabbed my hand as thinking him to be Carl I held on it as my neck area ached with pain.

“Is it hurting?" Voice full of concern hit my ear drums. But this wasn't Carl's voice. My eyes shut open to see a gorgeous man standing in front of me with an athlete figure and a built of 6'7 feet.

His arms were covered with tattoos, muscles bulging out.
Wound and scratches covered his arms as well and blood dripped from corner of his mouth.

My eyes stayed at him as I felt a bond which wasn't the one I wanted. My eyes shifted to Carl who stood there. His face was blank and I couldn't decide what exactly he felt. I searched my bond but I found nothing. I closed my eyes again to find him but blank.

“Carl I can't find you! What's going on?” I saw Carl saying something to Elder which I never knew , stood there and they started to move out.

I walked to him and all I could see was numbness, fear and wet eyes.
I tip-toed and kissed him. He wrapped up his arm around my waist and kissed me hungryly. He nibbled on my bottom lip as I granted him the entrance. I tugged on him hair making him moan. It felt like it had been an eternity since we had touched each other

I heard someone Clear their throat as I groaned annoyed,  because he had  ruined our  moment.

I looked up at Carl and he smiled at me slightly. I knew something was bothering him and curiosity took best of me as I dragged him yo another room for some privacy.

We got into another kiss as I shut the door behind me. I felt Carl holding me by my waist. My werewolf hyperactive hormones made me drag his hand down my hip , I smirked knowing  he couldn't resist it anymore and he squeezed my ass making me moan.

I walked him to the bed staying into the kiss. He pushed me down on bed. I ripped his shirt off getting into a heated moment. Next moment my bra went flying across the room torn into two pieces. 

His warm mouth moved to my breast , biting and pulling it. I moaned loudly.
His hand went down and they took my folds between his forefinger and middle finger.

I wonder how he finds ways to please me.

I screamed in pleasure for I had longed this sensation and that prolonged feeling. He suddenly picked me up and my back slammed to wall. His hand never stopped as I kept moaning his name.

My eyes  dropped and head fell back in ecstasy..........
Until his hands stopped abruptly. I grunted as my feet touched the floor again. I looked at the door to find the same guy interrupting us again. I turned to Carl again who dug his  eyes into him.

I kissed him again and drew his hand back to my weeping core.

Don't judge !!!  can't help the feeling....

Carl still seemed distracted. I groaned and my breath almost stopped when I felt another pair of hand feeling me around. I moaned to the touch and I almost came over the edge.

I was turned on as hell now and the strange feeling engulfed all of me. I turned to find the guy , whose eyes showed pure lust and jealously. He grabbed me pulling me closer. All I could do was stay in shock. But I couldn't deny the fact that I loved the way he made me feel.

What the fudge!!!! I know i am enjoying it but how cone Carl isn't doing anything. How can he see someone else pleasuring me ???

Is it a threesome plan about which I never knew ??

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