It was more bizzare than it sounded

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Its been a 12 hours since Carl is not home. Its nothing usual and I am starting to worry. I have been trying his number For almost an hour now, but all it tells me is the fact that its switched off.

Augustine also tried contacting but nothing. I tried to reach him through our bond but seems like he's blocked me out. I never felt this way before and now it has started to scare me.

“Hey are you still worried? ” Augustine came behind me holding my waist.
“Yeah. Its not normal, Carl doesn't do things like this"

“Okay well I will go and find him okay?" A smile spread across my face. I nodded as Augustine put his hoodie on and left.

I felt nausea and ran up to room. I picked up the juice can, drowning the content down my throat only to puke in bathroom. My stomach as not really been good lately.

I reached my purse to grab the tissue pack and  all the stuff with a tester falls down. I remember I bought it for some reason.

I dunno if I was ready for anything like that but......
I felt a need to use it . Silly I know. But still I picked it up and opened the wrapper.

Its 10 minutes already. I strolled back to room not sure if I wanted to see the results. I heard the door bell making me turn on my tracks. I felt joy rush through me as I opened the door hoping to see the face I wanted to but instead my eyes land on Augustine who stood alone.

I looked at him curiously.

“I'm sorry I couldn't find him" he huffed. My face dropped down. I felt a finger lifting it up to make me look into blue eyes reassuring me.

The Test.

I ran to the room to see it lying there in all its glory. Though the thought of Carl still scared me but yet those line showing positive made me jump with joy. I am gonna have a baby.

I practically jumped and hopped and ran a marathon , landing in strong arms. I showed Augustine making him even more happier than I was. But suddenly my face dropped again when a thought stuck my mind.

Whose child was it ?

Carl or Augustine.

Thinking I moved back and sat on couch.

“ I don't care whose child it is and honestly it doesn't matter..” he stopped

Well yeah he can read my mind...

“The baby's gonna be lucky to have two dads." I smiled and looked up. It was odd that Augustine made no further comments and picked me up.

He put me on the couch gently beneath the fire place as his hands moved around my body stopping for a brief second on my belly which had our happy future growing inside of it.

Suddenly  darkness clouded in front of my vision and my body felt numb. I could no longer feel Augustine or even hear his voice until a flashback engulfed me.

*flashbacks *

Author's POV:

Both the bodies sat naked in front of each other. Desire, lust, love , want, need confusing there mind.
The pair of eyes never letting go of one another. A soul scared to find the truth and other Confused.

The fire dazzled igniting the soul following what fate had decided for them.

Tears crippled from Edna's eyes as she realized what it was. Her feeling were overwhelming and true but alas! It wasn't possible. Too bad, she want that but yet it was handed to her in a silver platter. She realized she was in love. Love like she did never before.

That was the day they both knew that what they felt was real and divine. Pious and innocent, did they ever know their love would be but what holder them back was what they actually were.

You know......Well would you ever Fall  in love
With a dog ?

That's how ridiculous it sounded and was even more bizarre than  you thought. That was what fate desired and destiny had to take them there.

They were two souls meant to be together, be it separated in this life and be together in another. Little did Edna know that it would take her another life to be with Carl happily ever after because the blood that she had on her hand pouring out of Carl's skin profusely.

*flashback ends*

Edna's POV:

I jerked, opening  my eyes. With my Heart racing a million miles away, I realized it was just a dream. The good memory that we shared now covered with blood. I wiped  sweat  that covered my forehead as I looked around to find myself in my room.

I moved around the house hoping that now I will see CARL probably in kitchen or lying in his room. Perhaps I was wrong , the house was silent and only two sounds could be header , one my footsteps and other the shower. I moved to Augustine's room from where the sound was coming. I was about to enter the bathroom when my eyes landed on the hoodie that was laying on the floor I picked it up to find blood spots on it.

Last night when he came back he wasn't wearing a hoodie..... And where did these spots came from???

Turning into Werewolf - Alpha Carl Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang