It's time to wake up

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Carl's POV :

Its been two months since Edna has been on ventilators in the hospital. Though she's breathing and all organs are okay , no physical problem but it seems as if she's in her world... As in hibernation.

Since that night , I haven't slept. I feel alone , my wolf howling. Its depressing, I feel a pang in my chest every time I look at her , lying on the bed not moving at all.

Neither doctors nor elders can find the reason.

The moment her body shook , which wasn't similar to how she usually respond to an orgasm ; I stopped and her eyes dropped . After that I tried to wake her up but she never opened her eyes. Trust me it scared the shit  out of me !!! For weeks I thought that its something that I did to her.
I immediately took her to the hospital and waited for her to wake up and tell me that everything was fine.

I waited for her to wake up and I still am waiting for her to take me in her arms. I miss the way her lips felt , the way they tasted , the way she smelled , the way she tangled her hands in my hair while kissing me , and her moans. I miss her.


My eyes flattered as I groaned to the sunlight shining and irritating me . 

I have no idea how Edna stood and faced this sunlight,
Didn't they burn her and her mesmerizing  eyes !!!

My eyes drifted  to her body lying on bed as I thought about her. I went to the calendar and marked the date.

Huff... “It's half a year and now its November... Christmas and new Year are gonna arrive....will still be sleeping, love ?  ” I muttered looking at her.

I remember how she planned our Christmas ,  we decided to decorate our tree
She told me all the way in which she wanted to click the pictures . Not only this, she was so excited   about the New year kiss and our dates. I sighed.

I picked up my phone to see loads of calls from elder. I must have been in a deep sleep. I decided to simply drive to him.

As I parked in front of his office AKA his home , I put on my jacket and walked inside.

“Carl where have you been , I..”

“I know elder I saw the calls and that's why I drove..What is it ?" I sat on the couch.

“ We found out what has happened to Edna." He huffed.

I became attentive and curious , this silence was killing me...!!

“Its the curse" he stopped

“ Yeah but goddess never told about her going into some deep sleep " I walked towards him resting my knuckles on his table.

Turning into Werewolf - Alpha Carl Where stories live. Discover now