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I stood there , foot jammed to the floor. Every inch of mine was scared , my mind numb and running .... Huff... Bad idea, I am already dying ,...don't even think of it.

His hands reached my throat and I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Don't  worry , you're definitely dying but not so soon. ” he whispered in his husky voice.

My eyes flew open to see him too close and I raised my eye brows in disbelief.
“What are you gonna do with me??” I asked horrified.

He smirked , raising his eyebrows to give me ‘this was- an-interesting-question’  look. “firstly , I am going to punish you for running away , and maybe torturing you and--”

“No...please forgive me , I ..I love me how can torture me like that.”  I pleaded. Now I was acting like a scary little cat left on dogs mercy.

“ Of course I love you , but unfortunately my wolf doesn't" he simply replied. His grip on my throat loosened and he pressed his body to mine.

“Maybe I can do the punishing part on behalf of my wolf.”

“Punish...what !! No way I ... !!” I blurt out.

His eyes suddenly softened and he scoffed. “ don't tell meyour mind seriously go there?? By the way wasn't a bad Idea to try !” he smirked. “

What !!! Jeez I go mad around this man. I mean logically this should be that last meaning of PUNISHMENT !!!at least in my dictionary.

“What else am i supposed to think when I am pinned against the wall and your body pressing mine-- !!” I blurt out. .

I didn't even finished what i was speaking because the next moment I was on his shoulders  being carried to the room.

I struggled to get out of his grip , I did succeed but too late I was already on bed.
I horrified and it was for real.

I mean what could you probably do or expect when you know that person standing in front of you can shift into some unnatural creature in snap of fingers , and its surely an  icing on the cake  when you according to himare a criminal !!

My breath became heavy , as Carl leaned forward just inches away .  And what happened minutes after was the worst treatment that could be given to a prisoner.


I whimpered as the cloth was cutting my wrist and ankle. I could not move my hands and legs because they were tied to bedpost. I was scared as hell. And there stood Carl in front of me , enjoying the view . I wasn't sure if he was the same man I once loved. I knew , leaving him wasn't the best decision I would have made, but I did what my heart or maybe my mind told me was right , and now I regret it.

Also did I realize that I had torn apart his heart and portion which was human and apparently it surely didn't have a good effect on him. When I say good , it means the effect was evil , which resulted into , me tied to a bedpost and held captive.

He moved towards the bed and crawled over me . I looked at those eyes which had the anger and hatred for me. I felt pain crippling through my jaw when he held it , hurting me. I whimpered at the words that my ears caught , they somewhat came out as a threat , to my dignity .

“Its payback time. I feel like tearing you apart , but my hands can't. I hate you so much for leaving me. I swear you won't even think of repeating it ever , after this night.” he whispered.

His hands left my jaw and I saw him move to a cabinet and taking out somethin---

What !!!! Oh god ! Save me !!!!!!

A whip......

Is he gonna hit me ???

He stood in front of me and I closed my eyes shut waiting for a gush of pain steaming through my body

1...2...3... I still didn't feel the pain. My body tried to squeeze itself to resist the pain which didn't event hit me yet. I struggled my eyes to remain close , afraid to open and find a person who maybe I will hate forever.

I waited a few minutes and instead to feeling the whip touch my surface I felt his lips meet mine....
I froze and urged my eyes open to find him kissing me , my eyes instantly close and I surrendered myself , granting him the entrance. He tasted sour , he still had the taste of whiskey in his mouth. His lips slowly moved below , nibbling and biting every inch of skin that came in contact.

He suddenly ripped my clothes off making  me naked. Never before , had I felt so exposed. He moved down engulfing my nipp*es
In his mouth , teasing them.
His hands glided down to my wet core and my head felt back in pure ecstasy. He moved his tongue to my most private area and sucked it , inserting a finger inside of me. After few minutes of pleasure by his figures , he stopped .

He came up , “You are mine , and you will remember it every time you take a step tomorrow , when pain will rush through your core ” he muttered . and I felt his hard friend enter me . I whimpered at first , due to sudden gush of pain , flowing through my body.

I struggled moving my hand, missing the way I scratched and digged my nails into his back.  After few minutes I felt the sensation of pleasure running through my veins .I closed my eyes , my toes crumpled , my back arched and I mourned his  name , in pure ecstasy.

As the feeling engulfed me I felt him releasing my arm still thrusting into me. After that I saw the colors dancing in front of my eyes , before it blacked out.
I just felt the heat which I guess was due to the blankets that covered me and then an arm slid in , tightening the  grip on me , symbolizing that they would never let me go and I was his.

Turning into Werewolf - Alpha Carl Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz