Gideon Falls

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We hide in a bush, behind the fence of the Mystery Shack, as we brainstorm a way to get our home back. "Alright, the bus to take us out of Gravity Falls comes at sundown. If we wanna stay in town we've got to get past those guards, make it through the fence, and get Gideon to hand over that deed."

"And how exactly do you plan on doing all of that?" I raise an eyebrow skeptically.

"I can't. But the journal can!" Dipper raises the book high.

"No, you should leave that to Mabel. Wa-chaw!" Pointing her hook at nothing in particular, she shoots it and it hits into a tree trunk beside us, ricocheting off it and smacking Dipper on the head.

"Pfft!" I try but fail to hide my laughter.

"Agh! Mabel, now will you admit that that thing is useless!?" He sends me a glare, probably thinking I'd shut up on the spot, but I don't, and then turns to Mabel with the same glare, rubbing his now sore head.

"Nope!" She calls back and instead of hitting Dipper, like in the show, it hits me.

"Ow! Seriously?!" I rub my neck with an eye closed, looking at Mabel who is giving me a sheepish, apologetic, smile.

"Okay. What can we use to defeat Gideon? Let's see... Barf fairy?"

"Oh, Thor no..."

"Right...uh, Butternut Squash with a Human Face and Emotions?"

Before I can input my opinion, Mabel gasps and yells, "Yeah!" her eyes glistening. I speak my opinions silently, 'One! It would be terrifying and nightmare inducing. Two! That's it, all I need is that one reason...'

"Err, no." 'Thank you, Dipper!'

"Whoa, what's this?" Mabel and I say at the same time, pointing to the portal page.

"I stared at this page for hours. It seems like a blueprint to build some kind of strange futuristic super-weapon--" Dipper tries to explain, before Mabel bursts out her current emotion.

"BORING! To defeat those guards we need some kind of army."

I sing-song in my head, 'I know what that iiis!'

"... Wait a minute! An army! Macie," I turn to my brother's face, "Mabel's right! That's it! The Gnomes!"

"Uhh," Mabel tugs at the collar of her sweater.

I flatten my hand and gesture it sideways. "Ehh."

"Oh come on girls, we need an army. We got an army!" Dipper starts to look desperate.

"Dude, okay, let's do it. I'm all ears when it comes to your plans." I laugh and try to calm him down.

Relaxing, he sighs and smiles, "Yes- alright! Let's do this!" Dip runs off into the forest. Mabel I share a glance, smiling and giggling before holding hands and running in after our nerdy brother.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: A wild Schmebulock appears! What would you like to do?


*You used: Swift!

*Critical hit!

*Schmebulock used: Rainbow Barf!

Ok I'm done...~~

We wander the mystical forest, for what seems like an eternity, and come across their hiding spot, via Dipper's vast knowledge. "I wonder what Gnomes do out here all alone in the forest?"

'Unfortunately, you're going to find out.'

We push past a vine and come face to face with Jeff, bathing with squirrels. 'Oh gosh, I think I'm gonna be sick...'

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