Caught In Between

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Today's the day of the play, how am I going to help Dipper if he keeps avoiding me? He's been dodging me all day, looking away when we're in the same proximity and sneaking out of the room if he walks into the one I'm in. 'Bill must have spooked him or said something last night during his dream, besides what I already know...I've got to get to the bottom of it or I won't be able to help Dip.'

Before I enter the kitchen this morning, I hear Dipper shuffle around and see him push Mabel out into the hallway, so I quickly duck behind a wall and peer over to spy on them. "Mabel, listen, last night I had a dream with Bill in it," he explains with his hands out.

'Why isn't he coming to me?!'

Mabel makes a triangle shape with her fingers and holds it up to her eye, "Wait, hold up, the triangle guy?"

"He said he'd give me the code to the laptop if I gave him something. Like I'd actually trust Bill, right?" Dipper laughs and crosses his arms, looking unsure about himself. I narrow my eyes and step out to make my presence known.

"Bill again, huh? What'd he want this time?" I ask, trying to ignore Dipper's now even more sullen face as he tries to avoid eye contact. "Well?" I motion to him, as Mabel stands there awkwardly, not sure what to do.

Smiling, she cuts in, "Don't worry, bro. Today's the day that the mystery triplets are back in action. We'll help you crack that code. I've just got to hand off my puppet stuff to my production crew." She puts her arm around me.

"Hey, Dip, why do you keep avoiding eye contact with me all of a sudden?!" I snap at him. I don't want to play this game any longer, I'm getting very impatient!

"No reason... Production crew?" he says to me, then addresses Mabel.

"Yeah! They're outside right now, I gotta hand them the stuff... uh, why don't you two stay here and work out whatever this," she moves her hands in a circle around us, "is and I'll be back!"

"Wait- Mabel!" Dipper reaches out but she's already long gone. I sidestep and block the door.

"Spill," I haphazardly growl.

"There's nothing TO spill! I had a bad dream last night, and you tried to get me to talk then, too! I don't want to talk about it!"

"Okay, yes, I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like this, but ever since then, you've been ignoring me and avoiding eye contact! Was it something Bill said? Did he do something to you!?" 'Does me being here change what Bill does?!'

"No! He didn't do anything...he might have said some things...but that's besides the point! I gotta crack this code, that's the only thing I want to focus on right now." He leaves as I stand there, eyebrows furrowed.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: EA Sports; It's in the game. (I asked my dad for a time skip and he blurted this out, lol)~~

After that happened, I munch on a light snack, daydreaming with my hand on my cheek and peering out the window. A puppet gets thrown comically in my view before landing on the ground. It makes it funny because there's no one around so it seems like it came out of nowhere. 'But that's not the case...'  I stand up harshly, the chair flings out from under me, and run outside, looking to the left to see Mabel and her friends sitting near a box of sock puppets, talking and moving their arms wildly.

"Mabel!" I yell, running up to them.

"Macie! Gabe came by and, oh my gosh, we have to step up our game!" Again, she moves her arms wildly.

"Didn't you tell Dipper you'd help him with the laptop?" I sigh with disappointment.

"Well, yeah, but I told him to just ask you and have you help and he stomped away all upset after I tickled him with a puppet."

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