I turned and saw Luke pinned by the leader and another rogue. I ran and kicked the leader before amputating his right hind leg. Luke pushes the other and bite his front leg. The leader roared at my attack and tried to bite my throat. I twisted my blade and rammed in into his heart effectively killing him. I turned towards Luke with the rogue's canines deep in his shoulder. I ran and kicked his ribs throwing him off Luke. He roared and ran towards me ready to bite my throat. I sidestepped and rammed my blade in his heart. No mercy.

I looked around seeing five bodies lying lifeless. I cleaned my blade using the last rogue that i just killed and sheathed my knife. Adrenaline was soaring in my blood and the thirst to kill was too much. I took a deep breath to calm myself and walk towards Luke.

"You okay buddy?" His shoulders was badly injured and his right arm and left leg was dripping blood.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just needed a second to heal myself. You should go check on Kristina and Jenny." He exhaled.

"That I should do." I turned to walk towards the girls when I heard Luke's small whisper.

"Remind me to never cross you. That emotionless and merciless state when you kill was real scary." That got me smiled a little.

"You are the future of our packed! You are the alpha! People depend on you to protect them! Your future family will depend on you! Will you let them down?!"

"No I won't!"

"Good! Now start from where we left off! Remember, no mercy!"

My grandfather was a really strict trainer. It was understandable though. I was the alpha line to our family and the future protector. All his teaching was embedded in me since I was a child. He thought me not to depend on my wolf's power but on my fighting skills. It was really paid off when my wolf turns into slumber phased.

Exhaling, I walk towards Kristina. When she saw me, she ran and embraced me crying on my chest.

"You okay, Kristie?" She just nod and buried herself more.

Hugging her tightly, I turned to Jenny. She looked tired and worn off. Jenny belongs to the Southern Territory kingdom which went to our school. Kristina's best friend. There's deep sad look on her face.

"You okay, Jenny?" She snapped off her reverie and looked at me.

She cleared her throat, "yeah, I'm fine. Is Kristina okay?"

"Yeah, she's okay. You're wounded though." I saw some bruised on her arms, neck and face.

"It's healing, nothing to be worrying about." I just nod at her reply.

Luke came to our side limping.

"We should move from here, guys. It is not safe." Towards me, he spoke, "I have contacted Beta Georgie and he's coming to fetch us. Omega Marriotte already took care of your SUV."

"Sure, lead the way, Luke." Then I stopped for a second and observed him. "Though can you walk?"

"Your concerned is in vain. I'm fine, Logan. I'm healing by the minute. How about you?" He observed me.

"One of them managed to bite me but it's already healed." I shrugged.

With that, Lucas went to help Jenny though she refused.

"I'm fine myself, don't worry. Just lead the way." She ushered Luke away. Nodding, he walked ahead of us.

I took off my hood and put it on Kristina and zipped it. Then I carried her bridal style. All the while she hugged me tightly and a soft sob was coming from her. I guessed this really shocked her too much. I hold her tighter towards me to comfort her.

We walked in silent while staying alert for any danger. Once a while, I noticed Jenny observing me from my peripheral vision. I just waited for her to utter her question and it seems I don't have to wait for very long.

"Who are you?" She asked silently.

"I'm Logan, I am from Northern Territory Pack." I answered her nonchalantly.

She huffed.

"You know what I meant, Logan."

"No I don't. Seriously, it's nothing really. Just.. don't think too much about it."

"Nobody fight that way anymore, Logan. At least not in our time. You are more skillful than all the hunters put together."

"Practice makes perfect, sweetheart." I winked at her.

She huffed, "you know, you shouldn't flirt with me when your girlfriend is right there with you" and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at her respond.

"She's not really a jealousy type." I smirked. I inspect Kristina and noticed she had fallen asleep. "Plus, I'm not really flirting." And winked at her again. She gapped at me.

"Way to changed the topic, Logan." I noticed her face was a little flushed. She cleared her throat before continuing, "your blade was special, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, a little, you can say." I nod.

"Where did you get it?" She asked.

"Well, I can't tell you."

She just nods. "I can guessed that much." She stole some glances towards us. "Well, be careful, Logan. You'll never know what awaits you around the corner."

With that, we walked silently back to the diner. I was lost in thoughts gauging the meaning behind Jenny's warning. Does she actually know who I really am? Georgie was waiting for us with another two cars and a few pack members were there too. Jenny and Luke followed a different car while I ride at the back seat of Georgie's with Kristina tucked with me.

I observed Kristina as she lay sleeping soundly next to me in my bed. I cleaned her up before tucking her in my bed earlier. The shocked of the night might get to her badly. I noticed there's bruised on her lower lip. That got me angered and guilty at the same time. I was spending time with a foreign princess while my own girlfriend was in danger. I couldn't help but blamed myself.

The thoughts of the piercing blue-eyed princess makes my heart beats faster. I exhaled sharply. Remembering earlier when our lips touched, twice I may say, makes my heart ran out of control.

What is she doing to me?

I took a sight of Kristina.

Don't I love her?

Yes..... maybe. I cared about her. That should count as love, right?

Then why am I keep thinking about that captivating pair of blues? That creamy white skin. That silky red hair. That delicious scent. That.. rosy soft lips.

I wrapped my hands on my face trying to get rid of the thoughts of Marissa away. Exhaling slowly, I looked at Kristina again. I know this was wrong. I have a girlfriend and I won't break her heart. Regardless of what I'm feeling. I won't let her feel what I have felt when Jessica broke my heart. I won't.

With that, I vowed to distanced myself from that pair of blues that keep on haunting my wakes. Maybe even my sleeps. Whatever bore between us, it should be buried and forgotten.

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