Chapter 7: A Frosty Reception

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"And so begins Chapter 7, things are starting to pick up a bit. Hello everyone, Theodore here and have now recovered from my head-ache. It didn't halve hurt did that, but at the same time I did get some personal nursing. So it wasn't all bad, although Compa tends to suffocate you with bandages. At one point Neptune and Nepgear were cutting me free as I was turning purple. Ahhhh...well then, with that done let's begin"

"Terra, and his friends, had finally finished their journey around Lastation. After a recent battle against a person called MR BADD, our hero and friends were relaxing at Noire's home and are currently awaiting transportation to take them to the snowy town of Lowee. Now then, this time we're starting with the villains. Mr BADD is meeting with his colleagues, the seven sages, let us go to the latter"

Mr BADD stood in a quaint meeting room. They was a square table with the corners sharp and pointy. Neon blue strips cut through the room with the members drinking out of cups. A middle-aged woman with a uncaring voice spoke "Well, well the old one is back"

"You're not exactly a spring chicken either" retorted Mr BADD

"He has got a point" said Pirachu who shipped a cup, sat on the table "You are a gothic old hag"

"Who are you calling a gothic old hag you overstuff gerbil?"

"I call them like I see them. Make-up check. Wrinkles, check. And I'm not a gerbil I'm a rat! A R-A-T" a young male, with a slight feminine tone spoke,

"Now, Now let us cease and desist. Now Mr Baddie, please tell us of your exploits"

Mr BADD cleared his throat "as per your instructions Anonydeath (He referred to the female sounding male) I scouted the emerald mine for any trace of sharacite shards"

"And...did you actually find any?" said Pirachu impatiently

"I regret to say no. The mine was pretty much drained dry. And the only shard that existed those pesky brats found"

" actually got stopped by kids" said the gothic hag mockingly "You are at the generation when you used to spank them"

"Behave Arfy" said Anonydeath "tell us baddie, who stopped you"

"The lastation CPU and candidate, the Planeptune Candidate, a girl with an ironing board chest and a boy"

"No wonder you had a hard time. With a CPU and all"

"No, the CPU was injured, as was the iron board girl. At the beginning only the boy fought against me, but he proved to be no match. Even when the candidates joined in"

Anonydeath made a sigh "how does a mere boy stop you. I mean the candidates can't style change yet"

"The boy somehow absorbed the power of the shard they had" said MR BADD "and bestowed its strength to the Planeptune Candidate. From they just overwhelmed my machine"

"Wait...may I ask, was this boy wearing red?" asked Arfoire

"Yes he was wearing a red jumper"

"Hmmm...that was the same boy who fought off the dragon invasion on Planeptune. But while I believe he's...stronger than most I don't see how he absorbed the power of the shard"

"I think I actually might know who this boy is" said Anonydeath "I just can't put my finger on it. It's going to keep me awake all night now. Oh well moving on"

Anonydeath cleared his throat "now then, our next matter is this. Someone let our...lovely guard off his leash and is on his way to Lowee"

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