He grabs the files about Kenny and Edward and begins to read them aloud, " 'Kenny Ackerman, otherwise known as Kenny the Ripper. Notorious for killing over 100 Military Policemen, slicing their throat as if they were livestock.' Let that sink in. He kills for simply pleasure. There is no goal inside of that twisted brain of his. Think of him as....the older version of me. He is my uncle after all." He changes documents and scans over the printed lettering, occaionsly taking a peek at Samuel, "But you know, it's not just me. Samuel over here is related to the leader of the whole thing. Edward Tate. 'Known mainly for being the gang leader of this ruthless group, Tate is revolved around thieving, drugs,' and again, killing for the simple pleasure. Think of him as the smarter and older version of good old Sam right here,"

I prop my foot up against the wall and sigh softly. This was too much pressure. Perhaps it would be best if I just escaped to the Palace. At least there, I would constantly be looked over by the Garrison.

"I heard that Edward and Kenny had ran a business where they drugged kids. I'm not sure how it works, but I heard that only specific children were able to handle it, and the ones that weren't strong enough had died. The ones that survived the drug were taken and thrown into a pit to fight each other to the death~" Connie begins to speak quickly about the true events that had taken place when Levi, Samuel and I were only children. Though it was just rumors and speculations to them, I knew the truth," The ones that had survived the fight were forced to do all types of other brutal, inhumane things, but in the end, if they made it through, they were adopted into their culture. And~" Before the young, exceptionally stupid boy can continue, Levi smacks him upside the head.

"Shut up. You're talking too much. That's just a rumor," He says, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

I couldn't handle it.

I'm putting so much pressure on the Scouting Legion, my home, my friends and my family, and for what? They're risking their lives to protect me, and in all honestly I haven't done a damn thing to contribute. In Samuel and Levi's eyes, they must've thought I was the weakest person they have ever stumbled upon, always crying when the slightest things go wrong and refusing to fight my own battles, when they've been fighting on their own for years. Well, not anymore. I'm taking things into my own hands.

Erwin finally pipes up, taking control of the conversation, "Armin, I'm setting you on this task. You are the brightest one here next to Mr. Bekket, so I want you and him to work together and think of a solution to this situation, got it?"

"Yes.....sir..."Armin says weakly, "We'll figure it out, or at least attempt to,"

"If judging by the letter, and Queen Amani is true to her word in saying how they want her for her power, then they might want Eren too, right?" Mikasa asks, looking up at Commander Erwin. He closes his eyes in thought and nods.



"So, I'm setting you on protecting them both. At least until Armin and Samuel figure out a solution. I want you with them everywhere at all times with your weapons drawn. If it comes down to it, lay down your life," Erwin's voice elevates to a tone that even causes me so shiver in my boots. He curls his hands into a fist and slams it down roughly onto his desk, causing a loud boom sound.

"Easy there, tiger." Levi says, "Use that aggressiveness on the titans,"

I couldn't help myself but chuckle at Levi's somewhat dark attempts at humor. He always joked with his usual stoic face, and it just made it all the more funnier. I feel like Olou, Gunter, and Luke really had an impact on him with their constant joking.

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