Chapter 24

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"It doesn't match!?" Hanji screamed and jumped around her lab in frustration.

I watch as she groans and throws off her goggles silently. She was testing to see if my blood would match the Kings, but it didn't. I must say, I'm somewhat glad.

"This would've changed everything!" She yells and slumps down the wooded wall in defeat.

I walk over to her and give her a hug, "it's going to be okay. We'll figure something else out. I told you there was no way I could've had that power."

She looks me in my silver eyes and sighs. "You're right, (Y/N). We just have to continue to push foward and hope for Humanities Comeback." Hanji stands and slowly walks outside of her lab. I follow.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Sawney and Bene to conduct an experiment. You're free to do whatever. Dismissed." She waves me away and I gladly comply.

Sawney and Bene were captured titans. A little while after Hanji was promoted to Section Commander, she had this risky idea to capture a Titan. It took her a while to convince Erwin, but she managed, and captured two titans. I hated them, so I never went with her to help.

Today was an off day for everyone, even the new recruits. The officers said that they probably should rest their bones for if we ever get attacked again.

Walking into the Mess Hall, it seems x2 louder than when it usually is, and x4 crowded. I groan.

The only bad thing about getting new recruits...they're like children.

There were over 40 long, wooded tables in the Mess Hall. Long enough to fit 8 people at each.

I have to walk around a bit to spot my squad, and the brand new noobs, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Mikasa was holding Eren back from beating this guy with seemingly light brown hair and hazel eyes. He had somewhat of a long face. I've seen him around the halls at points and learned his name was 'Jean', but everyone usually called him 'horse-face', which I think is super mean. He isn't even all that bad looking.

I walk over to the table to see Petra and Oulo arguing about him always mimicking Levi, and Gunter laughing. Levi had this annoyed look on his face and was trying to eat an apple, but Eren kept accidently knocking his elbow into his side.

It was good to see Levi attempting to keep his composure, but I already knew any second now he was going to lose it.

The table was almost full, and I had to squeeze in next to Armin. Out of everyone, he was definitely my favorite.

"What are you guys arguing about?" I ask Eren and he shushes me to continue arguing with Jean.

The next table next to us were staring, and I laughed.

"Jean called Eren a suicidal bastard...and then Eren completely lost it.." Armin said quietly so only I could hear and I laughed again.

"You're in the Scouts now. It's about time you act more professional, you noobs." I say and pull Eren down hard by the shoulder. He gasped at my sudden grip but collapsed nonetheless onto the bench we all sat on.

"Ha. Thanks for further proving my point. You just got dragged back by one hand from a girl. You're weak, man." Jean laughed and poked fun at Eren.

"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you, horse-face!" Eren yelled back.

"Shut the fuck up, both of you! Go run laps until I tell you to stop. If you fall from fatigue or even stop to take a breath, you're cleaning the entire Mess Hall. Fucking idiots, stop acting like children!" Levi finally broke his composure and scolded both of them.

They immediately both shut up and run scurry off outside. Mikasa stood with an angry look on her face as she began to go up to Levi.

"Sit down, Mikasa. You won't touch me." Levi simply stated whilst going back to finally eat his apple.

She ignored him and grabbed his shoulder tightly. The squad gasped, but I only flicked it away.

Mikasa can't keep doing stuff like this. Just because she cares for Eren doesn't give her any type of authority to target anyone, especially a captain!

"What the hell is wrong with you? Nobody even hurt your precious Eren." I say with squinted eyes. She growls at me and points a finger in my face.

"Just shut up! Who are you to tell me anything!?" She questions and I laugh.

"Mikasa, I wouldn't test my patience. I'm quite friendly, but if you make me mad I will not hesitate to put you back in your place. The last time, you did this, but with your sword. I let it slide because you thought Eren was dead. This time, I'm going to give you a warning to take your finger out of my face before I hurt you severely." I smile gently at her raging face

This time everyone was focused on us. Even Levi.

"Listen, I don't care whether or not you're in damn 'Squad Levi'. If you get in my way, you and I will have an issue!"

I stand at her threat and roll my uniforms sleeve up and lift an eyebrow.  "I can make you care, if you like."

"Is that a threat?" She asks.

"Depends." I smirk and she lunges at me.

Everyone in the Mess Hall begins to holler at us fighting as we squirm on the ground in each other's grip. Levi looks bewildered but doesn't engage to stop us.

She was on top of me and I'll admit, she had the advantage because she weighed a lot more than me, but thanks to my new strength, I lifted her up with the bottom half of my body with ease. I brought my legs towards my chest and shot them out, propelling her away from me.

Armin shouted at Mikasa to stop, but she ignored him and charged at me again. It was only then Levi finally stepped between us, blocking her from me.

"I swear. You people are idiots." He grumbles and grabs me tightly by the hair, dragging me away.

"Let me go Levi!" I shout and flail my arms around. That Mikasa needs to be put back in her place!

A group of people surround Mikasa. Some asking if she was hurt and others asking why did she attack me.

Levi drags me out of the Mess Hall by the tips of my hair into the corridor just outside.

"Why'd you do that? You're l older than she is, and you need to show more restraint in your actions." He scolded

"She attacked me! Besides I was only defending you. She didn't need to put her hands on you." I pout and slump down against the wall as Levi sighs.

"Still though. If you can't control yourself, I'll have to take you off of my Squad. Fighting isn't tolerated, and you know that."

"That's fucking stupid, and you know that!" I yell and cross my arms in defiance

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me, (L/N). I'm trying to help you." Levi pulled my arms away and forced me to stand on my feet. I snatched them away and give out a huff.

"I didn't do anything wrong.." I say under my breath as Levi begins to walk back into the Mess Hall.

I know he heard me, but he ignored me and left me alone in the hallway.
Also, why do you think your blood doesn't match the Kings, and why was the Queen crying in the last chapter? What do you think is happening?


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