Chapter 36

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Samuels Pov

It's my fault, isn't it? (Y/N) is lying all bloodied in her deathbed, and it's my fault.

No, it's not my fault. Why would it be? It's Hanji's. I never fucking did anything wrong.

No, it's not even Hanji's, damn that idiot.

It's Levi's.

Why doesn't he understand? Why is he so blind? I need (Y/N) in more ways than one. She isn't only my best friend, but she's a valuable asset! I need her as soon as possible and she's as good as dead in this state.

I sit by (Y/N)s bed and listen to the quiet breaths escaping her mouth, indicating she's alive. Her body can't handle being squeezed by a Titan like that anymore. One more time and I feel her regenerating abilities won't even allow her to regenerate.

I hated staying in the infirmary. Usually, whenever you were injured enough to come here and have to lie on the bed for more than eight hours, chances were you weren't going to survive. (Y/N) has been unconscious for nine.

She had a bandaged wrapped around her stomach soaked in blood. Often a nurse would have to come and change it, only to have the new bandage soak again.

Oh, (Y/N)....

I grab her hands and rub them gently. She still had baby hands.

I would always make fun of her when we were younger on how small her hands were. I found them adorable.

"I'm so sorry. I'll get you out of this shithole as soon as possible. I promise." I whisper against her little hand and press it against my cheek.

The door to the infirmary opens and I immediately react by pulling out my knife.

Short, blonde hair, dead blue eyes.

I recognize that anywhere.

"Annie." I say as I put the knife away.

She enters the room and looks directly at (Y/N), and frowns.

"Are you kidding me?" She asks, "who did that?"

"Eren." I answer nonchalantly. "The stupid fuck threw her against a tree."

She nods and sits down in the chair next to me, "I'm sorry you've got to do all of this. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but, if you want things to chance, we must take her away. Soon. We need Levi out of the picture as quickly as possible. He went through the awakening just like you, so obviously he's going to be very protective of her since she's a royal. The kings sword and shield."

I sigh and close my eyes. "Yeah, I know. I'm trying. It's a lot harder than I expected though."

It seems like every time Levi and I even get close to fighting, someone would interrupt. I know our battle would be very bloody, and one of us will end up dead. Either me, or him. Either way, (Y/N)s going to be devastated. Losing her best friend or losing her lover...

Often, I wondered which of us is the strongest. I mean if (Y/N), Levi, and me all went up together in a death match, who would come out the victor? (Y/N) is the tiniest out of the both of us, so surely she'll be much quicker in dodging our attacks. Levi was a renown thug in the Underground from what I've heard. Surely he's able to withstand fights, and has won a lot of them. I, on the other hand excel in weaponry. There's a good chance I wouldn't be able to survive without a knife or something.

"I can set Reiner or perhaps Bertholt on the mission if you're uncomfortable." She says, gliding her fingers against (Y/N)s cheek.

I clench my jaw at her touching (Y/N), but don't push her. "No. I can do it. Besides, if anyone is going to take (Y/N) back home, it's going to be me."

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