Chapter 43

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"Levi?" I knock on the door leading into the Captains office. I wanted to speak to him about the situation with Samuel, wanting his advice on it.

There's not a response for a while, so I knock again.

Finally, someone answered. "Come in. The door is unlocked." This surprised me. Levi always would say 'State your name and business' regardless of who was beyond the door.

I open it slowly and see Levi, sitting on his desks chair with his head laid backwards, staring up at the ceiling. Looking around, I notice he had re-decorated. The black couch I loved so much that rest against the wall was no longer there, and he had scouting badges all over the edges of the room. The door to his bedroom was wide open. I stole a peek inside and saw his bed, the extra bookshelves in the room, and a hint of the bathroom. Must be nice. I quickly close his office door.

"Levi?" I walk up to him, "What is all of this? Why do you have badges?"

"These are fallen soldiers' badges. I collect the ones I'm able to find on the battlefield." He answers, not taking his eyes from the ceiling.

I'm aware of that strange hobby. I still have the badges of my squadmates that he had given to me when I cried over their loss.

"I've always wondered why you collect those, Levi. Why do you? It's pointless." I stand over his body and rub his shoulders. He was so tense. Is he stressed?

"Nobody deserves to be forgotten, (Y/N). Nobody does. At least with their badges their memory lives on."

Levi was an odd man. His demeanor tells you he doesn't care about a lot of things, and that his patience wasn't very high. He would physically hurt anyone that got in his way or hurt the people close to his heart. People were terrified of this man. He was so unapproachable, so emotionless, so apathetic, but deep down, he was probably the most emotional of the Survey Corps, and he knew it. I just could never understand why he never showed his other side, his loving, caring side.

"That's very humble of you to say, Captain." I smile and rest my chin against his forehead.

We stay in the same position for a while in silence. I lean down to kiss him. He immediately kisses back, cupping his hand on my right cheek. We hadn't kiss in quite some time. We've been too busy, or it just never came to mind whenever we were close to each other. Our relationship was strange. We hadn't even made it official between us, but we still did the things lovers do.

"What did you come here for?" He grabs my waist tightly and sets me into his lap. I blush and rest my head against his chest in embarrassment.

"U-Um. Well, S-Samuel wanted me to ask Commander Erwin for permission to be excused for a while." I say.

"Tch. Why in the hell would he? What does he want you to that requires you to be away?" Levi scowls and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"He said he wasn't able to give me details. If he did, I promise I would tell you. He just said he needed me to do it immediately."

"Well, you tell him to fuck off. You're not going anywhere without my supervision. For all I know, the dumbass could be leading you into a devised trap." Levi rolls his eyes in response.

"Samuel would never do anything like that! I trust him, and I don't think that's up for you to decide. It's up to Erwin, and to be completely honest, I'll be going anyway because my best friend asked. I'm the princess, last I checked." I slap his chest and stand from his lap, he frowns.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?" He asks me, eyebrows furrowed.

I shrug and stick my hands in my pockets, "I don't think it's me being stubborn. I think it's me finally being independent and thinking for myself."

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