Chapter 65

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The rays of the burning sun beamed against our skin upon reaching the Surface

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The rays of the burning sun beamed against our skin upon reaching the Surface. Sora and Samuel looked high up into the sky, taking a small break to observe the scenery. All of us having survived in the Underground for so long, even the little moments like watching the sky mattered.

The chitter chatter of merchants and villagers rang through our ears as I smiled. Of course, we stood out like a sore thumb. I began to feel a tiny, tingling feeling course throughout my body as I brought my hand up to observe it. The wound within my palm was beginning to seal itself.

"Wow!" Sora exclaimed upon seeing the strange action. "Y-Your...wounds!" Shock elevated in his voice as he pointed towards me.

I unwrapped my bandages and rubbed my hand against my back, feeling for any wounds. Of course, they had disappeared. The only thing that had remained was the skin that shown through my ripped clothing. I averted my gaze towards my knee, and that too, was gone. It had not left a single trace, almost if I were not shot or stabbed at all.

I really want to understand my new power.

"We should get going. It's safe to assume that Kenny would be going after the little shit Eren, so if that be the case," Samuel cocked his head forward, inviting us to walk besides him. He oddly walked properly despite his wound, "Then the HQ has more than likely been abandoned, or at the Levi Squad."

"Okay, if I recall correctly, you and Armin came up with the plan. Do you know where we meet up with them?" I asked, kicking a rock on the pavement.  Samuel tilted his head, revealing a soft flustered face as his cheeks began to turn pink.

" this old barn in the outskirts of Wall Rose." He answered quietly, rubbing a hand through his almost completely brown hair. I wonder if he and Armin have something going on. I noticed Armin would blush the same way at the mention of Samuel.

"Do you and Armin have a thing going on?" Instead of just questioning it, I decided to simply ask him. Upon hearing my question, his cheeks began to fume as he looked towards me. His lips were parted slightly. It took me a moment to realize he wasn't looking at me, but at Reece. Her icy blue eyes appeared beyond angry, her eyebrows slanted into a crease.

Oh? He has a thing with Reece? I would've never guessed!

"No! I...I don't! He just has a little crush on me. You think I haven't noticed him?" Samuel uses his words cautiously, trying to not make Reece even more upset. Sora laughed aloud as he lightly punched Samuel's shoulder. He didn't allow himself anymore explanation than what was necessary as he simply turned around.

After what felt like hours of walking, I began to notice that the same man had been trailing behind us. Originally, I kept playing it off because there's many civilians in Wall Rose, and it could simply be a coincidence, but this was far too strange. The man was intentionally straying behind us, not wanting to get too close in fear of us being aware.

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