Chapter 3

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The ginger haired man fell to the ground and let a long groan

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The ginger haired man fell to the ground and let a long groan.

"I'm guessing you enjoy picking on the small girls you know can't defend themselves? Strange kink." Farlan said, as he walked up to the man.

Levi stood by and watched the scenario unfold with the same uninterested glare he possessed the day I met him.

I stood by the brick wall in shock.

Did I just almost get raped? What would've happened if Levi and Farlan had not shown up? I thought about that possibility and began to sob. I would had lost my innocence to a man I had not consent to.

"I would beat you, but that's not my job. That's Levi's, and from judging by the looks of it--" Farlan took a quick glance at Levi, "looks like he doesn't care, so I guess you're in luck,"

"Tch. I didn't say I didn't. It's just that he hasn't done anything to us, so why should I care?"

I trembled with fear. Levi didn't even care? So, if Farlan had not come along but Levi saw this attempted rape, he would've just let it go on?

"So you would've let me get raped!?" I beamed at him, my arms beginning to flail around in immense anger. The thought alone twisted my gut.

Levi rolled his eyes in response. "People get raped in the Underground everyday. You're no different. It's bound to happen at some points."

"I'm a girl! I'm physically weaker! I can't even defend myself! Oh my god--I can't. First I get body slammed, then I lose my job, and now this!" I dropped to the ground in sobs. I hated how they saw my weak side, but after what I just went through? I couldn't control it.

Farlan came up to me and wrapped me in a comforting embrace. At first I was reluctant because of what just happened and the fact I barely knew him, but after a minute I snuggled into his arms.

"It's okay (y/n). You're fine now. Levi and I will keep you safe."


I felt bad knowing this was their second time helping me today. Granted the first time was their fault, but still, didn't want to be looked down on as a weak damsel in distress.

Farlan continued to speak, "You said that you got forgot today right? I assume that was our fault."

I nodded. "I won't be able to keep my home. I have no money, I don't even have food in the cabinets." I sobbed again. So much stress.

"Well..." Farlan continued.

"No." Levi blurted. "Don't even think about it. She's not coming with us. She can sleep on the streets. I'm sure there's something she can do to earn some money." Levi glared at us hugging. I had a strong feeling he disliked me, "She can sell herself if she has to. There's trafficking of women going on around the outskirts of Tsushima."

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