Chapter 50

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I'm so sorry if this chapter isn't good guys. I'm trying 3rd person writing to see if it fits better, but like, I'm not the best at it.
If you prefer first person don't hesitate to tell me and I'll change it back :)
(Y/N) listens in as Section Commander Hanji and Captain Levi socialize with each other, rather Hanji socializing with Levi. He only returned blank stares every now and again. She had retrieved Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Samuel by her Captain's orders. They stand a couple of feet away, talking amongst themselves. Samuel was talking to no one.

"Why are you ignoring me, Shorty? Friends aren't supposed to ignore friends!" Hanji pouts, sticking her bottom lips out. She would always do things like this when things didn't go her away, and it always made (Y/N) laugh, but it made Levi irritated.

"Who the fuck said we were ever friends? You and me are associates, co-workers, but not friends." Levi answers with a scoff.

They were outside, well away from HQ. They were going to try the experiment Hanji named: Operation Titan Mode again, since the first one had failed miserably. (Y/N) stands under a large, great-spreading oak tree to hide herself from the beaming sun.

"(Y/N)! Get over here, we're ready for you!" Hanji calls.

Eren and (Y/N) both walk up to Hanji as she clasps her hands together and gives a somewhat evil, sadistic, smile. The smile she would give when she would study Sawney and Beane before they were murdered. This smile of hers scared almost everyone, especially her old assistant, Moblit.

"Yes, Section Commander? What do you need us to do?" Eren asks, giving a both lazy and incorrect salute. (Y/N) corrects it by twirling his fist and scrolling it against his chest, towards his heart. In a way, (Y/N) had become his mother, always correcting his mistakes, telling him rights from wrong, and always giving a lecture or a scold whenever she was displeased in something he did. Samuel scowled at the sight of (Y/N) touching Eren, but didn't say anything.

"Eren, my boy. We've been practicing, right? Do you think you can control yourself? If not...-"Hanji begins to say until she's interrupted by Levi. She rolls her eyes.

"If you can't control yourself and you do anything to harm (Y/N), or us, then I'll have to kill you. It's nothing personal. If you can't control yourself around a woman, what makes you think you can control yourself in battle?" Levi says, walking up to us and crossing his arms.

"Captain, don't you think that's little bit too much? Killing him? At least just...cut his arms off." (Y/N) finally opens her mouth, rejecting Levi's proposal.

Eren's mouth goes wide in both shock and sadness. "But sir, I've been practicing with Section Commander Hanji Zoë. "I can do it now, I promise! Just you watch!"

"I will be watching. Very intensely. Don't fuck it up, chee-burg bastard." Levi says, walking away, pulling Hanji along with him. "You all, stay down here and be ready to restrain-or kill- on the first sight of rebellion."

Mikasa grunts, "You won't lay a finge-"

"Mikasa! Shut up! Listen to the higher-ups!" Eren yells at her, smacking her hand. Armin gathers a panicked look on his face and lets out whimpers. "Say yes sir!"

"Yes sir!" Armin answers, saluting even though both Hanji and Levi were sitting on a tree, chatting.

Mikasa looks hardly at Eren for some time.

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