Chapter 39

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"Armin, I need you to do a special task for Samuel and I, alright? Can you do it?" I throw my hands on Armins shoulders, causing him to flinch from my grip.

"W-what is it, Princess?" He responds, facing downward.

I pick his chin back up and force him to look me in my eyes, "I need you to be bait."

Samuel's temporary squad consisting of Eren, Armin, Mikasa and me all stand in the Headquarters Courtyard where gear could be traded, fixed, or resupplied. It was constantly full. Eren would wander off with Mikasa following to look at all the weapons and odd looking gas tank that were resting peacefully amongst shelves, offering a place to be traded by soldiers. Armin would often try to escape with Eren and Mikasa, but Samuel would pull him back and I would have to to calm him down, re-explain the situation, and question him on his thoughts. Almost like good-cop bad-cop with Samuel being the bad-cop.

"Me? Be bait? What do you mean?" He asks me , a hint of worry tinting his voice. He was always like this. I've gotten used to it.

"Well, we've devised a plan to lure Annie Leonhart underground. We're testing a theory on if she's the Female Titan, and we need you to be the bait. She doesn't know me well enough to follow me, if she is the female titan she'll most likely kidnap Eren, and Mikasa...that just wouldn't turn out well." I take my hands from his shoulder, and lean my foot against a haystack I stood in front of. Samuel clicks his tongue and stares intensely at Armin, whom would often look at Sam and quickly revert his gaze.

"Annie? The Female Titan? I figured that." he says quietly.

What? Why didn't he say anything?

"Why didn't you fucking say anything then, Armine? We could've captured her a long time ago if you spoke up!" Samuel blurts, startling Armin. I give him a cold glare, mouthing the words 'shut up' to him.

"It's ArMIN, Samuel. Stop being mean. Anyway, he probably didn't say anything because he wasn't sure. He didn't want to rat out a friend, claiming she's the enemy when in reality we don't even know." I pipe up for Armin and glide him away from Sam who let out a scoff at my response. Too much bad-cop.

"T-thanks...but you're correct. I never said anything because I was afraid I would be wrong..." Armin says, once more looking down.

The poor boy lacks confidence in himself.

I pull his chin up again and smile, "Armin, you're one the brightest people I have ever met in this Regiment. I completely trust in whatever you say."

His eyes widen at my statement, and a slight blush creeps across his nose, "T-thank you...princess..It's an honor coming from you."

I nod.

"Okay, whatever. (Y/N), what'd he say? We don't have all day!" Samuel comes up from behind, this time startling the both of us. He laughs at our jumps.

"Haven't gotten to it yet. Had to clear some things.--Armin, can you do this for Samuel and I? For Eren and Mikasa? For humanity?"

Armin looks at me weakly, and slowly nods. "For humanity."


"Eren, put your hood on." Samuel orders as we walk along a long sidewalk filled with cracks. Armin should be fulfilling his task right about now. If he succeeds, Annie should be exactly one block away from when we reach the Underground entrance.

I look around at the peaceful environment of Wall Rose. The children running around, the women calling for the children, and the men hiding their faces from the beaming sun. Everything was so lovely.

Eren throws on his hood and wipes sweat from the corner of his head, "How much farther do we need to walk?"

"Not long. The Underground entrance is just up the corner." Samuel points straight ahead.

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