"Say hey Miss Carter" Cameron said, quoting Partition by Beyoncé.

"Let me hear you say heyyyy Miss Carter" I said, laughing. "Queen B."

"Swaaaag" Cameron said and the video ended.

"We're cute" I laughed.

"Yeah, but you're cuter" Cam said, passing me on his long board.

"Whatever" I laughed. I took my phone out of my back pocket and took a picture of Cameron long boarding, posting it on Instagram.

@HaileyRenee: Long boarding with le boyfriend (heart eyes emoji) (kissy face emoji) <3 @Cams_Instagram

We got to an ice cream shop and I smiled, running inside. I LOVE ICE CREAM!!!

I went up to the counter.

"Hi, what would you like to order?" The girl at the counter said, smiling at my childish attitude.

"Uhhh cookie dough on a cone, please" I said. "And theee scoops." I added.

"I'll have the same thing." Cameron said, getting out his wallet.

"Oh, I can pay Cam" I smiled.

"No, you're my girlfriend. I'm paying for you."

Aw, he's such a cute little gentleman!

"Thanks babe" I smiled, kissing Cameron's cheek.

"Aw, you guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen!" The girl at the counter said.

"Thank you!" I smiled at her.

"Thanks" Cameron smiled.

We sat down once we got our ice cream and looked at what people were saying on instagram and twitter about us being a couple.

"If Cameron's happy, I'm happy"

"She's so pretty, my self esteem just dropped 100%"

"Really, it had to be her?"

"I don't ship it..."

"She's such a slut"

"Cameron should've gone for someone prettier"

"I feel like she's going to start influencing him in a bad way"

"I have a feeling she'll break his heart"

I sighed. The Magcon fans will never like me, no matter how hard I try.

"I'm sorry. But they're honestly just mad because they think they have a chance with me, which they don't. I mean, I love them all. They're my fans. My family. But I wouldn't want to date a fan."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I would feel like I couldn't trust them. Like if I told them a secret, they'd go and tell the whole fandom. You get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I get it" I said.

We are our ice cream and it was time for me to go back home.

"Bye Hailey" Cameron kissed me.

"Bye Cam" I smiled. I was waiting for him to say it first... why wouldn't he say it? He said it at Magcon. Why wouldn't he say it now?

I silently sighed and began walking up the steps to the front door of my house.

"I-I love you" Cam stuttered. I stopped dead in my tracks and ran back to him, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too" I smiled and kissed him one last time before entering my house.

"He better treat you right or I'm getting Robert to beat his ass" My mom said.

Robert is my moms friend, and he's gay. He's totally cool though and he's always been like a dad to me, though no one could replace my father.

"Okay mom" I laughed.

"Are those his clothes? Hailey Reneé Letchworth, do NOT tell me you both... got freaky!"

"Mom, oh my god no! I didn't have any clothes so he let me borrow an outfit! God!"

"Good. That's what I want to hear." My mom sipped her coffee and read the newspaper. I rolled my eyes and went up to my room.

Just then, Jenna called to tell me I had a photo shoot for Victoria's Secret tomorrow. Wow. Thanks for the notice, Jenna. Wait, maybe Cam can come!

To: Cameron

Hey, I have a VS photo shoot tomorrow at 8:00am. I can pick you up on the way there, wanna come?

From: Cameron

Yeah but the guys will probably wanna come too...

To: Cameron

Haha lol it's fine they can come too

From: Cameron

If they hit on you I'm totally beating the crap out of them hahaha

To: Cameron

Lmaoo alright bad boy ;)

We stopped texting and for the rest of the day, I did my online school stuff since I'm way behind.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating, it's just that I have finals and I'm failing classes so I need to catch up on work

A lot of people are commenting on chapters saying some parts of the story are "so unrealistic" and "completely fake and unlikely". Well guess what? It's a fanfiction. Get the fuck over it. Don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple.

Also, someone said to get over myself because they thought I was reporting comments. Guys, if you don't understand wattpad yet, you're an idiot. The comments that swear automatically get reported. It's not me. Obviously I swear all the time so why would I care if you did?

Sorry if I seem bitchy, but honestly, if you're hating on me for the smallest things, you need to get over yourself. Honest to god.

For those of you who like the story and comment positively, thank you so much <3 love you all

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