PINOF 9-Phan

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9 PINOF videos. 8 years of friendship. 7 second challenge. Big Hero 6 voices. 5 years of the radio show. Sims 4 series. 3 crafting videos. 2 books. And 1 TATINOF. (Was going to be 1 world tour but they announced their Interactive Introverts tour on Twitter literally as I typed it *slow clap* great job guys perfect timing) And throughout it all, they stayed together even in the worst of times, because they were Dan and Phil and they would always stick together.
"Dan!" Phil called. "Dan come on its time to film the ninth Phil is not on fire!"

"Okay okay, I'm coming!" Dan called from the living room. He turned his controller to the side and held down the button and...and...and...YES! First place again! The race finished and stats were displayed on the screen as Dan stood up and went into Phil's room, suddenly nervous.

He stood in the doorway, chewing on a fingernail. "Finally!" Phil exclaimed as he set up the camera on the tripod. He looked up at Dan and concern flashed across his face. He stepped around the equipment and ran his hands along Dan's arms. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to." Dan shook his head. "I want to but I'm just....scared."

Phil hugged him tightly. "It'll be okay. We're strong, we'll get through anything bad that might happen." Dan relaxed in his arms and smiled slightly. "Yea we will." He said softly. "Let's film."

They moved over to the bed and sat down in front of the camera. Phil pressed the 'record' button and the quiet, comforting whir of the mechanism filled the room. "Hi guys! Its that time of year again! Are you ready for a..." Phil drummed his hands on his knees, "Phil is not on fire!!"

Dan smiled and held up a Sharpie with his right hand. "First, we need the whiskers though." He said. This is it he thought. "Whisker me up Daniel." Phil said and scrunched up his face. Dan took a deep breath and brought his left hand up to uncap the pen. He switched hands so he was holding the pen correctly and began drawing cat whiskers, fully aware that the camera could see the sparkly engagement ring on his finger.

Phil took the Sharpie from him and leaned in close to do Dan's whiskers. Dan could feel Phil's warm breath on his lips as the Sharpie tickled his skin and he bit down on his lower lip.

"There." Phil said, capping the Sharpie. Dan smiled at him and leaned forward, capturing Phil's lips in a kiss. Phil responded immediately, pressing into Dan. They sat like that for a moment, before pulling back and looking at the black eye of the camera.

"Oh did we forget to mention, we're engaged and have been in love for almost 8 years now?" Dan said, laughing nervously. Phil entwined their hands and held them up. "Surprise!" He shouted and Dan laughed a little harder and less nervous.

"So Philly, how should we do this year's pinof? Its not like we can do relationship questions, considering we just came out a minute ago." Dan asked, grinning at Phil.

"Well I was thinking we could go over phan theories and determine whether they are true or not!" Phil exclaimed, pulling out his laptop. He opened the screen to the Tumblr tag 'phan proof'

(did not just spend two hours scrolling through that tag *cough* yes I did *cough* I mean whaaaaaaat? Okay continuing now)

"Let's see, there's a lot of heart eyes Howell and love eyes Lester on here...what else do they have?"

Throughout the video they told stories of getting caught by various friends and relatives, revealed a few kinks, and acted adorably fluffy.

"So to conclude this year's video, we have an announcement, again, that we'll be moving into the forever home next March, after our wedding in February." Phil said, doing jazz hands. "And also we're getting a dog. Bye!!!" Dan said as he switched off the camera.

They sat on the bed for a moment, still staring into the camera. "I'll edit it, not a lot though, and it'll be up by tonight." Phil said softly. "We're really doing this."

Dan stood up and grabbed Phil's hand, pulling him up also. "We will make it. Together." He said and Phil nodded. "Together."
Phil hit the upload button and the half hour long video began upload. Dan shakily typed out "PINOF 9 is uploading now! We have a fun surprise for everyone." His thumb hovered over the 'tweet' button before pressing it and throwing his phone on the couch. "No going back now." He muttered and curled up into Phil's side.

They watched anime for about three hours, until the non-stop vibration of Dan's phone got too annoying. He grabbed it and unlocked it, going to YouTube and seeing thousands of comments by the second appear. He scrolled through them, 7/9ths of it was a lot of random letters in all caps, and the rest was paragraphs of support. Dan only noticed a few hate comments, but the people were immediately shot down by the supporters.

"I think we just killed everyone," Phil said, looking over Dan's shoulder. Dan laughed and nodded. He turned to Phil and softly kisses his nose. "I love you." He said. Phil smiled. "I love you too."

9 PINOF videos. 8 years of friendship. 7 second challenge. Big Hero 6 voices. 5 years of the radio show. Sims 4 series. 3 crafting videos. 2 books. And 1 Dan and Phil.

*kneels in front of random church and clasps hands* *mutters* please god let me be able to see the future please god let me able to see the future please god let me be able to see the future please god let me able to see the future please god let me be able to see the future please god let me able to see the future please god let me be able to see the future please god let me able to see the future

And if anyone wants a part two of this with the wedding, I can do that.

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