Tile Floors- Mulette

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Hercules was just leaving class when he got a text from John saying "Herc, please come quickly to me and Alex's dorm."

He frowned at his phone, wondering what had happened. He ran across the collage campus to dorm 76 and opened the door.

Inside, he was greeted with the sight of John and Alex sitting crosslegged on the couch, looking like turtles hiding in a shell while Lafayette was aggressively mopping their tile floor.

Lafayette turned to the door as Hercules let it close behind him and angrily jabbed the pause button on the stereo that was playing Imagine Dragons.

(Warning, I'm using Google Translate so it probably won't be quite correct)

"Mon ami, vous ne croiriez pas ce que Jefferson m'a dit, il a dit que j'étais une fille parce que mon nom est tellement féminin! Je veux dire, il n'a pas tort, mais il l'a toujours dit! À ma face!" Lafayette said in rapid French.

Hercules held up his hands. "Whoa Laf, slow down. And English please."

Lafayette just frowned harder and went back to mopping. Hercules looked to Alex for a translation.

"He said, 'My friend you would not believe what Jefferson said to me, he said that I was a girl because my name is so girly sounding! I mean, he is not wrong, but he still said it! To my face!'" Alex said, looking a little pissed.

Hercules narrowed his eyes.


Lafayette looked over. "Herc don't get so mad, it's not like he was wrong. Marie‑Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette is a very feminine name, and I was in fact born female but that doesn't mean I still am!"

Hercules stepped up to Lafayette and hugged him. "Jefferson is a macaroni fucker and ridiculous. Don't listen to him. I love you for who you are and nothing could change that."

Lafayette smiled and kissed Hercules gently. He stepped back and started laughing. Alex and John joined in from over on the couch. Hercules looked at them in confusion.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He said and self consciously ran a hand over it.

Lafayette shook his head, still laughing and pointed down. Hercules followed his line of sight and started laughing too.

Lafayette's mop had dripped water and soap all over Hercule's shoes and pant cuffs.

"And I just had them shined yesterday!"

Idek. Random drabble. Loosely based off my habits when I'm mad. Well. I'm just gonna go now.

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