Existence- Phan

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Sorry about that really long oneshot last chapter. Here's some phan for you.

Phil walked into the flat to see Dan laying on the couch, staring at Tue ceiling, with his hands folded neatly on top of his stomach.

Uh oh Phil thought. He set the grocery bags down and walked over to the couch. Dan turned his head to look Phil dead in the eye.

"What is existence? Do we exist? What is time? If time doesn't exist, then how has the past already happened? How has the future not happened yet? Did you know that we are jumping 600ths of a second into the future every second?"

Phil was silent, having learned after years of experience that Dan needed to get it all out at once.

"Are we eternally stuck in the present? What is an eternity? Is the eternity from the moment of the Big Bang to the last possible moment of our universe? Will our universe cese to exist?! Phil we're gonna die. And our lives will have meant nothing. Because all we're doing is living moment to moment, filling life with entertainment and we never accomplish anything. Sure, some of us are out there, redefining the world through cancer cures and novels. But one day, all of it will be gone. What was the point of it all? The trips to the moon, the explorations of the oceans, and so on. None of it will matter when the universe ends. None of the scientific theories, none of the famous artworks, not one little thing will have been worth it in the end. Because there will be an end to the universe. And what will be left after the universe ends?"

Phil opened his mouth to talk, but Dan held up a hand.

"I'm not finished yet. Are we in an endless loop of Big Bangs and endings? Does the universe die and rebirth like a phoenix? What if that's what causes déjà vu? Cause if we're in a huge time loop, we'll have already lived this. And maybe déjà vu is remembering the previous loop for a moment. And we can't achieve time travel or interdimensional travel because if we're in a time loop, its like a current against a rock in a river. We can't do anything except go in the same loop, over and over again. And then we die. And the cycle begins all over again. And we can't break free because we don't know how. Because we're just pawns in the game of fate."

Dan stops talking and resumes staring at the ceiling. Phil tentatively asks, "Are you done?"

Dan nods. "Alright then." Phil says and stands up. He grabs Dan's hands and pulls him up to a standing position. "We are going to get you into the bath and then after we're going to head to a cafe and get you back to reality."

Dan mumbles about reality and other dimensions as his flatmate, his boyfriend, and the best person in Dan's life pulls him to the bathroom and runs him a bath.

Sorry to cut it short like that but I just bleed through my pad so I have to go deal with that! Bye!

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