Love is Love- Destiel

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Dean tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Cas hurry up!" He called out the window. Cas hurried down the front steps of the house and climbed into the '67 Chevy Impala.

It was the year 1983, the year that Thom Syles kept a life saver intact in his mouth for over 7 hours, the year President Reagan ended US arms embargo against Guatemala, back when gas prices were $1.25, and the top movie on the charts was Star Wars. 

"So who's party is this?" Cas asked Dean, searching for a tape in the glove compartment. Dean glanced over at him and said, "Lisa's. What're you looking for?" Cas sighed. "I can't find any of my Police tapes, do you know what happened to them?" 

Dean shrugged. "Gabriel probably took them, you know how much he hates The Police." Cas grumbled. "Next time I see him, I'm going to kill him." Dean shrugged again, already knowing that Sam and Gabriel had teamed up and taking Cas's tapes. 

Dean and Sam Winchester lived in a small house with their friends Castiel Novak, Gabriel Novak, Lucifer Novak, and their cousin Michael Winchester. The group of six had decided to all move in and pay for the house together, so that each person would only pay about $14,000. There was also the side bonus of Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer, but shhhhhh this is 1983 and the glittery rainbow skittles aren't allowed. 

The car pulled up outside Lisa Braeden's house and Dean looked for a parking space. After a few minutes of trying to park in a few small spaces, he gave up and drove onto the lawn. "Dean!" Cas shouted and Dean laughed. "She doesn't mind, I've done it before." Cas glared at him. "It's a lawn. Not pavement!" 

Cas crossed his arms as they got out of the car. "I will never forgive this." He declared dramatically. Dean pouted. "Cassie!" He whined. He glanced around the darkening street and quickly leaned forward and pecked Cas's cheek.

He saw Cas's bluer than blue eyes widen. "Dean!!" Cas hissed. "Do you know how risky that was???" Dean nodded. "Yea but no one is around, we'll be fine." Cas shook his head. "Don't do that again. Don't risk us." Dean frowned but nodded.

They walked up the path to the house and stepped through the door into the living room, where a bunch of young adults in college were drunk and dancing around to Michael Jackson. "Hey Deano! Ya finally made it!" Gabriel stumbled up to him, tripping over beer bottles lying on the carpet. Gabe slung an arm around him. "C'mon I found the best alcohol here, its a 1956 whiskey that's been sitting in the cellar since about 1960. It tastes divine."

Dean grabbed Cas's wrist as Gabe pulled him away. The three of them weaved through the crowds to the back of the house, where the whiskey that Gabe had been talking about sat. Dean picked it up and took a sip. His eyes widened. "Wow. That is good." He took a larger drink of it and felt it burn the back of his throat.

The three of them sat in that room, trading the whiskey between them, becoming more and more gay and risky with each sip. "Cassie..." Dean whined in Cas's ear. "Cassie I love you." He giggled.

"I love you too." Cas whispered back. They laughed silently together, and then their eyes met. Suddenly lips were on lips in a drunken haze of passion. Gabriel stood up and somehow walked out of the room, despite being wasted like trash. Dean pressed himself desperately against Cas and panted into the others mouth. "Please...please I love you Cas." He moaned into Cas.

Cas lay him back against the tile floor and hovered over him, kissing down his neck, tracing the patterns he had learned over the years. Dean tilted his head back, and gripped Cas's shoulders.

"What the fuck??!??" A voice screeched.

Time slowed down. Bright green eyes stared into deep blue as small puffs of breath escaped cherry red lips. Dean and Cas looked up to see a furious girl standing in the doorway. "Uh. Um. Hi?" Dean said from under Cas.

"Faggots." She spat. "I should call the cops on you, but I guess can spare you two, considering that you're both drunk as hell and clearly not thinking right." She turned away as Cas stood up.

"I am thinking very clearly." He said and Dean propped himself up on an elbow and tugged Cas's pant leg. "Don't." He said but Cas ignored him. "I am gay and I am proud of it. I love Dean, just like other men love women. It isn't wrong, and I am not ashamed of it."

The girl stood stiff as a board and then turned back to them, fire in her eyes. "You are a disgrace to humankind." She hissed. "I don't know why I thought you two could be allowed to go free. Enjoy jail, fags." She grabbed the receiver off the wall and dialed the police.

All blood drained out of both of their faces. Dean scrambled up and they both ran out of the room, pushing past drunken idiots and grabbing Sam and Gabriel on the way out. The four of them stumbled into the Impala and Dean hit the gas pedal, screeching off the lawn and onto the road, skidding down the asphalt and yanking around a corner as sirens were heard in the distance.

He evened out his driving, and glanced around. Cas was crying and leaning against the window, Sam was sitting in the backseat, confused, and Gabriel was flopped across Sam's lap, muttering about butterflies. He focused on the road again, and drove back to their house. They pulled up in front of it and staggered inside.

"So how dru-oh my god what happened?" Lucifer was sitting on the couch with Michael, watching some sitcom on their new color television. Sam shrugged and pointed to Dean and Cas. "Ask them. They came running out and grabbed us, and then Dean drove all of us home like a manic."

Dean still felt petrified and Cas was crying a little harder now. "I...I...we..." Dean stammered. "Someone caught us! And called the police!" Cas cried out and collapsed sobbing.

Luci's eyes widened. "Did they follow you?" He asked in a demanding tone. Dean shakily shook his head and dropped down beside Cas. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, staring at the carpet in horror.

The house was silent that night, as the six of them tried to remain calm and not panic about Dean and Cas's accident.

"And so concludes the story of how Dean and Cas almost went to jail, and if they had, would not be together today." Sam said, raising a glass and looking down at the happy couple.

It was now 2013, 30 years after that scary night, and they had just gotten married in California. Dean and Cas smiled at each other. They hadn't even had a large wedding, just family and a few friends, at their house. The wedding had taken place in their backyard, under the maple tree that grew there.

"Dada!" The little girl that they had adopted ran up to them. Sam laughed as the little three year old climbed up on Cas's lap. She grabbed his bowtie and looked closely at it. "Hello there Mary." Cas said, looking down his nose at his daughter.

Dean smiled with tears of joy in his eyes as he looked at family, who he could now legally call his family. He grabbed Cas's hand and whispered to him and his daughter. "Hey there Mr. Winchester and Miss Winchester."
I cried while writing this. Just thinking about all the families out there who probably have stories like this one.....*hides face in pillow and sobs*

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