Blue- Phan(i promise the next one will be a different ship)

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Ok before I begin this one, I'm just going to say that I'm writing most of this one as I type it. Everything else I've ever written has been pre-written in my writing binder and only the first few paragraphs are pre-written so I have no clue how this is going to turn out.


"Dan? Have you finished packing?" My mother says as she stands in my doorway at 4 freaking am in the morning.

"Yes" I grumble. I don't want to go camping, but my parents are insisting. I hoist my bag onto my shoulder and walk out the door, hoping that I haven't forgotten anything important like like my clothes or my portable charger.

I climb into the car and mentally prepare myself for a 5-hour car ride with my family. Oh who am I kidding? There is nothing that can prepare someone for that!

We finally arrive and I step out to stretch my legs. I see signs pointing to the campsites, and a few pointing to the bathrooms. Then I see a sign pointing to a lake. I grin and grab my swim trunks. "Hey Dad, Mum(Heyo you Brits reading this, did I get it right? I'm American so idk) I'm heading down to go swimming." I call out as I start down the path.

*and that is where the pre-written ends* *this was a bad idea* *why am I an idiot*

I stop to change in one of the bathrooms. At least this campground is good and has actual toilets, not those pits with a plastic seat on it.(Does England have pit toilets? Ok I'm stopping with the A/ns now)

When I get down to the shore of the lake, I set my stuff down and apply sunscreen. I slowly walk into the lake, wincing at the initial coldness, but slowly adjusting as I move further in.

I dive under water and come up spluttering and shaking. "Damn damn damn that is cold way too cold why is it that cold?" I mutter as I quickly run back out.

I hear a slight laughter and turn to see my mother standing there laughing at me. I stick my tongue out at her and wade back in, shivering from the slight wind in my wet hair.

This time I go in really slowly until I'm up to my shoulders. I turn back to shore but don't see my mum anywhere. I shrug and slowly move forward until I'm treading water. I look around for an interesting place to swim too and see a cool looking meadow all the way on the other side of the half-mile long lake. Sighing, I start to swim along the shore.

5 minutes later, I crawl up on shore to rest. I've barely gone 25 yards and I already need to rest. At this rate, it'll take me all day to swim to that meadow. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see a boy a few years older than me standing there. He has jet-black hair and bright blue eyes.

"You trying to get to that meadow?" He asks and I jump slightly. "Are you asking me?" I say in surprise and he laughs. "No, I was asking the fish swimming behind you."

I stare at him for a few seconds before laughing too. "I'm Phil. What's your name?" the boy- Phil- says. "Dan" I reply and he hums in approval. "Well Dan that name suits you."

"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Really really." He says and then chuckles softly. "What?" I ask. "Oh nothing, just a small reference. So you still want to go to that meadow?"

I nod and he comes closer to me. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Well Dan, I know a short cut to getting there"

He pulls me along a small path away from the lake until we reach a small house. "Uh Phil? What are we doing here?" I ask, slightly nervous as I have watched too much horror since school ended.

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